Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Fox News: Jesus Slammed in High School Book

December 14, 2010 on Fox News


  1. did they just take a 1 sentence soundbite of a guy saying "a book cannot be judged by 1 or 2 lines within it"... you really couldn't script this.

  2. Gee, imagine an education that actually challenges the students to think! That's terrible!

  3. LOL look at the son who is yawning in the background, he obviously doesn't care either way. He's probably just on the band wagon b/c of the parents. . .

  4. Christian always bring up Muhammed. They really wish they could threaten death when their prophet is critcized.

  5. So? Turn the other cheek

  6. I don't know about the wine guzzling aspect, but wasn't the biblical Jesus a vagrant? Wasn't he more or less a socialist?  

    They said he was a carpenter, but I don't remember even a single passage involving the guy doing  any work.  Wasn't he too busy sleeping, praying, and walking on water to even help his disciples fish up some dinner? 

  7. many many years since i read any bible, but if i remember it was jesus's father joseph that was the carpenter.

  8. Shit, if the Bible were to spawn a faithful movie adaptation, not only would he be to young to see it, no one in their right mind would WANT to see it.

  9. OMG! Jesus? A socialist? I can see in some parts of Hickville, USofA, that this would be worse than being dead..or resurrected?

    I suppose that if he had been defined as a gas guzzling capitalist then this would have been ok.

    Seriously, I know much of the US mainstream press tug their forelocks at the government and there is little coverage of the outside world, but are these attitudes still prevalent?

    Sounds like the entire state needs to get out more.

  10. I don't know the context of the book, but imagine this would feed the idea that conservatives have no humor. The line is probably a critique on how conservatives would view jesus if he lived today, A SOCIALIST!!

  11. There are a few lines in Acts that are downright communist. But I am unaware of specific examples that would point to JC being socialist.
    The truth is the Bible is all over the place. Right leaning Christians ignore things they don't like and left leaning ones do the same.
