Thursday, October 21, 2010

Creationism in UK Schools

Clip from the documentary 'Dispatches - In God's Name' about the growing fundamentalist Christian lobby in the UK. Originally broadcast in May 2008.
(Thanks to TreVelocita)


  1. Kinda reminiscent of those fanatics-generating Madrassa schools.

  2. I just threw up in my mouth a little

  3. This is truly horrific. I'm not a political person, but if I ever came close to one of these institutions I would campaign until it was closed.]

    An absolute disgrace to education.

  4. WTF this is sick! govt endorsed?? WTF

  5.  1:05-1:10 what the hell?

  6. pitty there isnt a hell for these (ahem) teachers to got to.

  7. It's a cycle that must be broken. Some of these children will inevitably grow up to be teachers themselves.

  8. This is child abuse...pure & simple. These poor kids are psychologically abused & indoctrinated with fantastical lies from such an early age, what hope have they got?

    I echo the previous comments: 'sickening', 'horrific', etc., but as John in the first post said, it's no different than the Madrassa schools in Pakistan & the like.

    This kind of religious fundamentalism is a cancer on society. But here, it's a cancer that is destroying the minds of these unknowing kids.


    The difference of Perception Between the Religious and the Not Religious

  10. Standing line, the blind lead the blind...

  11. I wonder what would be the result if, a few years down the line, some of these kids realise what utter BS they have been fed and sue the school for depriving them of an education.

  12. Couldn't watch it till the end. It is too sinister.

  13. Curriculum imported from the USA.    Says it all really.   

  14. Around 40 seconds in. They way she declares 'Iniquities' to a bunch of, what, six year olds? Yeah, they have really been iniquitous and deserve death and eternal pain, but, thank god, they now have the option of grovelling for forgiveness to jesus. Seriously sick.

  15. A message to the UK, please STOP giving tax payer dollars to these schools.  The fact that reaonable people are being forced to pay for this evil mind warping is sick.  If the religious are going to enslave their chjildren's minds, then sadly you can't stop them, but you SHOULD NOT have to help them do it!

  16. Believe it or not, mainstream politicians actively SUPPORT the funding of faith schools and the current government wants even more faith schools. For the government, the rights of the parents to choose their children's education comes BEFORE the right of the children not to be indoctrinated.

    Less than 3% of people go to church but 30% of the schools are faith schools.

    We need all the help and support we can get in the UK. This is NOT a secular state.

  17. When will FN stand up to the religous abuse of small children ?
