Friday, September 17, 2010

A Possible Loophole in France’s Anti-Burqa Law

(via Cynical-C Blog)


  1. for f**KS a former muslim- this is exactly the kind of crap that makes islam so god damn ridiculous!!

  2. Ingenious, she is right and there's not much anyone can do about it

  3. Wow, she's clever. To think if she could apply that cleverness to something other than announcing to everyone near her that she's a slave.

  4. Simple way of showing how ridiculous that law is. Well done!

  5. <span>Nope, this won't be a loophole. In a public office (when trying to get a new ID card, for example), they don't ask you to take off your niqab, but to show your face, which is quite different. Just to be sure that you are who you claim you are.</span>
    Otherwise you could also wear a clown mask everywhere.

    On the other hand, this will work in the streets.

  6. <span>well... the message is clear. no law can be made to avoid stupidity. and that's the problem with so called freedom: anyone understands it in anyway. to avoid burqas, there is no need for a law, it is imperative to design an educational program.</span>

  7. I predict epic failure for the first person that tries that like.  I can just see the cashier at some bank.... 'Err... now take off the next one ... or you're not getting served...' Simple as that and the spirit of the law will either be upheld or the letter of the law rewritten.

  8. shame on you France for making this dumb law that denies civil liberties.

  9. Is she hoping also to get a passport photo this way?

  10. Where all the feminists go?

  11. This type of mask is more to prevent the person wearing it from infecting others than to protect against being infected themselves, so arguing it's for protection from being infected will not hold up and arguing for protection against infecting will result is a request to return when healthy.

  12. Shame on AtheistMedia. Yes, this is technically a loophole but it is also an implicit acknowledgement that the muslims of euope have *no* intention of integrating, only subjugating. As seen in major citis throughout europe. Sad to see former bastions kowtowing to future enemies.

  13. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 17, 2010 at 6:42 PM

    Yeah, imagine the look on her face (well suffice to say imagine is all we can do) when she learns from her doctor that she has contracted a highly contageous strain of "atheism". The only known cure is emergency "conversion" to Judaism.

    Oy Vey!! O:-)

  14. Ninjas are awsome. Why would anyone ban ninjas? Cuz of this stupid law you cant be a ninja either.

  15. Why is it a "shame" on this blog that posted it? I don't see any endorsement or denunciation of what's going on in the video. It's just a video posted for your information about what's going on in the world. Take away from it what you will.

    Even though I personally think these sorts of coverings are laughably stupid, primitive, misogynistic and misandristic (men can't be trusted to control themselves around uncovered women donchaknow!), I also think that a government telling it's citizens what they can and can't wear in public is a disgusting insult to individual liberty. If I want to go around wearing a Darth Vader costume every day of my life, that's MY choice and thankfully I live in the US where the government doesn't have a right to say a damn thing about it. Private spaces like businesses are another matter though and the libertarian in me says they should be allowed to ban or admit whoever they like on such grounds.

  16. Yes, a law can be made that circumvents your idea. We ban the fucking burqa in the first place. The whole damn thing.

    Does she really think the lawmakers will look and this and say "Damn, she got us there! HYUK HYUK!"

  17. What's more evil is hiding knowledge and only presenting the "right" information in an attempt to control people. I'm glad Atheistmedia posted this, and I'm glad I get to consume information and make my own mind up, and I'm especially glad that my information isn't filtered through your bias!

    Fuck Islam.

  18. I'm sorry to say it seems that it's the other way around and Judaism is rapidly being infected by Islam in this fashion. (pun intended)
    Though it did make a turn for the comically funny last week, when the thousands of religious Jews on the annual pilgrimage to the Ukraine were encouraged to go through the airport blindfolded, in order to avoid the sight of "immodestly" clothed women.

  19. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 18, 2010 at 2:46 AM

    I have a vision of them now bumping into one another, like stumbling into tree´s in the dark.

    Perhaps one could direct this group to the nearest highway.

  20. Stan, It is not ordinary muslims who have "Got us," It is the law makers who have got them. It is an insult to liberty to say a person cannot wear what they want.
    And for thse who mention passport phitis, airport security etc, it has always been the law that a person must show their face ib order to be identified.

    It is this 'irrational' islamaphobia that is attacking liberties in the West. Rationalism will win arguments - irrational reactions will only lose them.

    Do we want to defend liberty or abuse it?! France has chosen to abuse - and by doing so has done nothing to encourage the virtue of liberty amongst those who cling to medieval religious values - such as wearing the Burqa.

  21. Try suggesting that people walk around naked, or perform sexually explicit acts in public. 

    The point about setting down some basic decency rules is simply to shortcircuit having to have a myriad of confusing dress codes in all kinds of public situations. There are too many dress codes as it is!

    The classic examples: identifying yourself in court (public) or in a bank (private) by showing your face are important practical rules, nothing to do with religious standards.

  22. Exactly.  I wonder why society should frown upon assassins...

  23. Just to be clear: you are against all 'decency' laws, I presume?  Just to be consistent..

  24. CLEVER - CLEVER like a dumb muslim woman; to actively oppress themselves... this has become genetic. What a waste of space.

  25. Please read the law before commenting and writing misleading titles. It is not the burqa that is banned but all manners of face coverings in public spaces, with a long list of exceptions. So this young woman found no hole at all.

    I also see the usual ignorance of many Americans about France. Our traditions differ. In the USA, people are concerned that the state will interfere in their religious liberty. In France, people are concerned that religion will interfere with the state. Study the French Revolution and its anticlerical, anti-catholic underpinning.

  26. I dont agree that there should have been a law to ban it. But its quite obvious that the poison of Islam has seeped into her mind.  

  27. Stupid law.

    Stupid Woman.

    Simple as that
