Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Jimmy Carr on Catholicism

(via DoctorE)


  1. Oooh, more hackneyed, homophobic cliches from Jimmy Carr! Quelle surprise! Hey everybody, did you know that fags talk funny and have limp wrists?! Hurr Durrr!!

  2. hackneyed? Sure. Cliches? Sure. But homophobic? Oh please...

  3. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 2, 2010 at 3:49 PM

    Had he laid into any other minority like that....oh wait no that would never have been allowed. The plug would have been pulled before he even started.

  4. Homophobic??? - get real!

  5. Look, I have a big news flash for you two. Unless you're gay yourself, or you have made it explicitly clear, in the way that comedians like Sarah Silverman, Lisa Lampanelli or Louis CK have, that you are mocking homophobia itself and are actually clearly pro-gay rights; you don't get to prance about the stage like Sean Hayes and throw around words like fag, queen and queer like they're going out of style and get away with it. Jimmy Carr, who is an unfunny hack, fits none of these criteria and seemingly can't manage to go more than two minutes at a stretch without saying "bender" for a laugh cheaper than an Alabaman truckstop crackwhore. So fuck him and fuck his defenders.

  6. <span>Look, I have a big news flash for you two. Unless you're gay yourself, or you have made it explicitly clear, in the way that comedians like Sarah Silverman, Lisa Lampanelli or Louis CK have, that you are mocking homophobia itself and are actually obviously pro-gay rights; you don't get to prance about the stage like Sean Hayes and throw around words like fag, queen and queer like they're going out of style and get away with it. Jimmy Carr, who is an unfunny hack, fits none of these criteria and seemingly can't manage to go more than two minutes at a stretch without saying "bender" for a laugh cheaper than an Alabaman truckstop crackwhore. So fuck him and fuck his defenders.</span>

    By the by, what if he were talking about the notorious shenanigans of African priests and decided it would be cute to throw the word nigger out there, ya know, for the lulz? So quick to defend? Huh, wonder why not.

  7. I think it's very insulting to compare gays to priests, for many reasons. One of which is that the Catholic church has tried to characterize its problem with sexual abuse of children and covering it up as a problem with homosexuality.

    No, the gays are not out to molest/rape/recruit children. That would be a minority of priests, aided and abetted by a larger number of priests, cardinals, bishops, and a pope.

  8. You're totally right. His gay jokes merely play to stereotypes. His jokes are designed to make you laugh at the people he's calling gay as much as the gays themselves, because they are sissy, or womanlike.

  9. You may not have seen much of his standup, but he frequently lays into many minorities. Examples of his non-PC joke targets include: Fat people, Roma (while he is part Roma), and various parts of the UK. Gay jokes actually make up a small part of his repertory.

    Given that he's camp and obviously not homophobic, he gets away with the gay jokes. At least my gay friends find it funny.

  10. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 4, 2010 at 5:31 PM

    Sounds like bollocs to me. He gets away with it because fatties, gays and gypsies are soft targets. There are no reprecussions and it is still acceptable to go after those groups. 

  11. Come on, this is comedy, and about 90% of acts are offensive, in some way, to someone or some people. The possibility of offense cannot be the arbitrator. As long as there's a joke, it's funny, and with Carr, there's almost always a clever joke (that has not directly to do with his target). Obviously a successful comic will know his/her audience. Offensive material is usually OK as long as the audience knows that the comic does not truly have any malevolent feelings, as is plainly clear with Carr.

  12. You know, irony doesn't have to be explicit and on the nose to be effective.

    There's always a danger with deadpan delivery.  That's why we usually play it safe and put smileys into emails. :)

  13. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 6, 2010 at 3:44 PM

    You can´t pull that BS with me. I enjoy South Park, Kathy Griffin, Joan Rivers, Monthy Python and all the politically incorrect humour in the world.
    He stinks, he´s welcome to his act and as long as I can call him for what he is. 

  14. R€LIGION Stinks of moneySeptember 6, 2010 at 3:45 PM

    Thanks for the lecture. :*  Oy!
