Friday, August 20, 2010

Glenn Beck: Charles Darwin is the Father of Modern Day Racism, Holocaust

August 20, 2010 on Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program
(via Media Matters)


  1. Just when I thought he couldn't get any harder to listen to. So Beck thinks that progressives are anti-interracial sex? How obviously wrong. And man, when he said people defend because they're "too invested" he sure needs to look in the mirror. This is pathetic stuff.

  2. There is no hope for this man. *DONT_KNOW*

  3. The rightwing is nuts.

  4. Of whom are they talking about? Certainly not Darwin!

  5. The Xtian Fundamentalists have been trying this tactic for a couple of years now Glenn, and it's been laughed at the whole time. Missed that memo, did you?

  6. We have a guy like that here in Brazil, Datena. He is getting a lot of problems with atheists with those hate moron speechs like that.

  7. What the *?  Where is Glen Beck getting this stupid slippery-slope idea from?  Darwin never said anything about which race is superior. He only suggested how a species has its own variations.  His bird finches for instance, where some have longer beaks while others don't (within its own species group); this has nothing to do with which is better than which.  He only said each type evolved to survive in their own environment and nothing more (superior to live in their own environment does not equal superior, because it would be just as stupid to say that a polar bear is superior to a tropical fish, because it is better adapted for a colder environment.  Might as well say that tropical fish is superior to a polar bear, because it is better adapted for a warmer environment.  Variation is the key in what Darwin said, and natural selection favors any trait that helps a species for survival reason.

  8. This is particularly ironic if you know anything about Mormonism.

  9. This is particularly ironic if you know anything about Glen Beck

  10. I wish he would be truthful about how he labels himself. He's so obviously a Neoconservative in Libertarian clothing. He does the political philosophy I personally adhere to look so bad! 

  11. <span>I wish he would be truthful about how he labels himself. He's so obviously a Neoconservative in Libertarian clothing. He makes the political philosophy I personally adhere to look so bad! </span>

  12. what i hate about beck is that he pretends to be a libertarian and makes us look crap when hes a fucking neo-con, i wish i could go on his radio program and ask him whether he believes that black people are from the devil since hes a mormon...what a cock

  13. This ignorant asshole makes me so damn angry. "I'm not saying he said let's put a concentration camp together..." Not only was Darwin extremely egalitarian for a 19th century aristocrat he wrote about his hatred of slavery.

    "I thank God, I shall never again visit a slave country. To this day, if I hear a distant scream, it recalls with painful vividness my feelings, when passing a house near Pernamabuco, I heard the most pitiful moans, and could not but suspect that some poor slave was being tortured, yet knew that I was as powerless as a child even to remonstrate."

    "It is claimed that self-interest will prevent excessive cruelty; as if self-interest protected our domestic animals, which are far less likely than degraded slaves, to stir up the rage of their savage masters."
                                                             --Both from "The Voyage of the Beagle"

  14. It's all about feeding his ignorant audience - Beck is in it for the fame and money - what a douche.

  15. Yeah and somehow talking about races is worse then talking about "the chosen people" like the bible does.

  16. Protip Glenn Beck - Darwin warned against eugenics.

  17. A hoOoOoorrbile racist, a hOOoOooooooOOorible racist.

    Oh, Glenny.

  18. God he's so stupid! I can't stand it.

  19. So, he seems to have some time left over from his new team up--on TV--with David Barton to attack the separation of church and state.  Giving David Barton a national TV forum and a mouthpiece like Beck, makes this is a huge battle in the advance of theocracy.  BTW, giving religion the power to tax and spend and to enforce its rules (which is what the uniting of church and state means), is not liberty.

  20. Here's a link to a refutation, by PZ Myers, of the racist charge against Darwin.

    Was Darwin a racist? Pharyngula March 22, 2007.

    If anyone has links to other online refutations, posting them here might help.

  21. Glenn Beck is proof that republicans will believe anything.They would not recognize shit if they stepped in it.

  22. I never thought I'd see anyone make Bill O'Reilly look reasonable.

  23. Evolution has nothing to do with progressive politics. Looking at empirical data and formulating a viable model that stands strong after nearly 150 of scrutiny and an exponential growth in data collection is good science. Whe<span></span><span>ther or not Darwin was a racist (though, remember, in the mid-1800's it was considered quite acceptable) is irrelevant to his contributions to science.

    Just because Mr. Pay Lay Ale doesn't like evolution impinging on his sacrosanct mythology, it doesn't mean that the data and the explanatory model, natural selection, are incorrect.

    Beck's logic is: I don't like evolution (for religious reasons) and I don't like liberals (for political reasons). Therefore, evolution is the product of liberalism because everything that I perceive as evil is part of the grand, monolithic scheme to destroy freedom and liberty.

    Evolution is required teaching in schools because it is sound science and has revolutionized biological understanding. It has been tested thousands of times and won. In science, theories are used to explain facts (such as the "theory of gravity"), and the "theory" of evolution is merely the explanatory framework for the very real fact of evolution.

    Beck is dangerous. He's trying to literally turn back the dial on our scientific understanding based on offense to an archaic mythology. To top it off, he wants to scapegoat his political adversaries for the "crime" of making sure that facts are taught to students. </span>

    <span>Something tells me that Beck would send Galileo to the gallows for being a "liberal".</span>

  24. Glenn Beck has accomplished his goals of misinforming the stupid or greedy morons of this country while pissing off the progressives or anyone with half of a brain.  He wants to keep this divide and conquer propaganda alive so that he can make a name for himself.  i don't believe for one minute that he cares about politics one way or the other.  He is out to get as much attention as he can - positive or negative.  If you haven't seen this YouTube video of Beck as a morning radio DJ, watch it.  He is simply acting out for attention:          The guy is a moron who has figured out how to be the center of the nation's attention!  Maybe he's not as dumb as we all think he is.  The best thing we should do, including the hosts of progressive news programs, is to simply ignore this half-witted bastard.
