Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dueling Billboards

(Tip JSAC)


  1. Actually, I was offended by these words.  And not because it was religion bashing but because of the directly insulting nature of the 'resopnses' (though some were funny.)  How is someone putting up a billboard saying "That 'love thy Neighbor' thing... I meant it. - God" even on the same level as "But only if you're White, Christian and Conservative." ?

    Those things aren't even related, that isunless you're a left-wing douchbag who substitues your politics and race for religion.  Seriously, this type of athiesm pisses me the fuck off.

  2. Andrew, uhm, aren't those ideas both related by congregation of christians?  Isn't the stereotype correct? Or are you just bothered because "conservative" found its way in there?

  3. I think that the core message of this is sound: believe in whatever you want, just keep it personal, keep it to your self.

  4. This is an atheist web site. Not a liberal website. I come here to see and hear ideas about atheism and to make fun of believers. I do not come here to see and hear liberal ideas and to make fun of conservatives. I go to the Daily Kos or Huff Post for that.

     I know that this is hard for you far left libs to grasp but not all American Christians are white and some conservatives are atheists.

     Please stop politicizing atheism.

  5. Maybe he is just a comedian... maybe he did not thinik so much about politicizing his video and just wrote something he thought was funny.
    As it is usually said here, there is no "right" atheism... no need to ask someone to be one way or the other with his "atheist ideas"... he is just being himself and does not believe in god(s).

  6. dude i agree that atheists tend to have more liberal leanings, but i think that part of the vid was directed more towards the hypocrisy of religious "leaders" in ultra-powerful positions - both their actions and the fact that they're in these positions at all. 

  7. ElGuapo, have you seen the video? Where's the politicization? Are you hung up about "conservative"?

  8. Actually I was bothered more by the white, because hey, implying that all Christians are racists isn't underhanded or dishonest now is it?

  9. Yes the "love thy neighbor" rejoinder probably should have been less spcific.  For example: "but only if they're from the same tribe (social, racial, economic group) as you", but I think a few people got the idea anyway.

  10. No, but the response is suitable since the moral majority, the rightwingers have pretty much hijacked religion for themselves..same thing with their version of "patriotism".

  11. I think that's an incredibly stupid message which I completely disagree with. The problem with religious people has never been that they talk about/discuss/share their beliefs. It's that they do NOT discuss or debate their beliefs, they force it into law and try to make you live by them.

  12. How is "white" something that makes him a "left wing douche bag", then?

  13. It's very likely true that not all Christians are racists, but it's also true that all racists are very likely Christian.

    Oh, and FU Andrew!

  14. Bashing conservatives told me he's a liberal.  Bashing whites told me he's a douche bag.  You should watch some of his other videos, like where he makes the joke about Mexicans.  A real class act you're defending there.

  15. "... <span>it's also true that all racists are very likely Christian"</span>

    I'm always glad when people can at least be upfront with how bias and stupid they are.  Tahnks Jack, for at least being honest about your hatred.

  16. Jack.. Please refrain from personal attacks aimed at other posters/commenters.

  17. It's very likely true that not all muslims are terrorists, but it's also true that all terrorists are muslim.

  18. So let's be clear: It's that one line: "white, ..., conservative"?

    It's not about me and who I'm defending. I'm not defending him - I don't care about him.  You may well be right that he's a douche. I'm wondering whether it's worth getting upset about that one liner.

    And I'd like to know if there are any other subliminal political messages that I may have missed.

  19. Stereotypes versus discrimination

    People frequently confuse these two concepts, which really need to be separated.

    Stereotypes exist, I'm sorry. It's just the statistics. Black people have darker skin than whites. It's not racist to say that.

    The problem is discrimination, when a stereotype is used to prejudge an individual.

    As far as I can tell, the reason people probably get upset with stereotypes is because they are usually the basis for discrimination, and so if stereotyped thinking can be reduced, the possibility of discrimination is also reduced.

  20. There are certain observable aspects of a society which become self-evident. That racists & bigots of varying kinds are nearly always Christian is one of those.

    Unlike myself, Andrew is anything but "upfront".  He's a whining conservative pin-head whose tight-assed ideology precludes him from seeing things as they are or honestly and openly acknowledging them. Andrew was no doubt telling the truth when he stated that he was offended by those words (on the signs), because I'm sure they hit too close to home for him.

    Though David apparently has no qualm with Andrew calling me hateful & "stupid", Andrew has only demonstrated that for all his persistent infantile ramblings & objections on this site, that he's in reality no better or "holier" than me or anyone else.

  21. I don't ttack this site.  I used to think it had a bias, then I realized that you could contribute videos, so I did so and realized that any political leanings extpressed by videos on this site were reflective only of those videos and not of a larger goal by this site.

    And Jack, you need to really think about why it is that you believe that racism is a uniquely Christian thing (or clsoe to it.)  Even if given the benefit of the doubt and assuming that you're referring specifically the the United States only, that's clearly not true.

    There is a view held by some that hate is somehow confined to (at least in the US) only white conservative Christians.  There are many reasons to reject Christianity, but hatered of its followers (especially racially motivated hatred) is a horrible reason to do so.  I found this video to be reflective of that world view, and I find your posts to fairly clearly articulate it.  That is why I was offended and I think, rightfully so.

    It's true that I am very critical of videos on this site, but I think we need to be.  If we (as secular people) don't hold ourselves and our own to a higher standard, and give fellow atheists passes on things we strongly disagree with, then we're no better than any other in-group out-group morality loving religion.

  22. Read my below comments with Jack.  They express this more clearly.

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