Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Councillor Faces Inquiry Over ‘Stupid’ Scientologists Tweet

July 20, 2010 on BBC Newsnight
Concillor John Dixon's tweet:
I didn't know the Scientologists had a church on Tottenham Court Road. Just hurried past in case the stupid rubs off.
Read more at Wales Online


  1. Don't know anything about the man but he seemed to handle it rather well. Especially in comparison to American politicians who will immediately back track and lie, instead of speaking their opinions or sticking by them. This anchor obviously felt that he did something wrong by saying that scientology is stupid but he made it quite clear that he was speaking his mind and not in an official capacity... Good for him.

  2. He should be commended for alerting his constituents!

  3. stupid scientology *facepalm ...

  4. I liked the politician better than the reporter, this is a strange feeling.

  5. <span>Scientologists are stupid. So what? He should get a prize.</span>

  6. Why ? Are you giving prizes for stating the obvious ?

  7. No kidding! How the hell can the moderator compare Scientology to Christianity or Islam with a straight face? All religions are not the same, nor do they deserve equal degrees of criticism. She seems to think they all deserve zero criticism because they are religions, and criticizing religion is always wrong. Pfft! Scientology is so corrupt that it isn't even recognized as a religion by some countries.

    He should tweet about this interview. Hopefully none of her stupid rubbed off on him.

  8. I have to disagree with all this. He took a risk, he stated an opinion on a religion. Scientology, as fucking stupid as it is, is a religion and in this religion-tolerated world he will face consequences.

    But I am pleased he did it. The more people ridicule religion the better.

  9. What exactly are you disagreeing with?

  10. Dixon claims that other churges don't have a corrupt history ???????

  11. You don't have freedom of speech when you live in Britain, it's funny he mentioned that. It is practiced often in most cases, but in some cases you really don't. Libel laws are a great example of this. Libel cases are pretty common in Britain.

  12. If anything happens to this guy, like he gets kicked off the councle, we should all send letters to them because the 'church' is stupid

  13. I would have asked her is she had released her inner Thetan lately...but of course that would just be stupid.  Instead of trying to point a finger at him, like the interviewer did, it would have been refreshing to ask why he thinks Scientology is stupid.  Then, when everyone hears the tenants of Scientology...they can all agree.  Its Stupid!  Next up.  Catholicism!  

  14. He is standing by his statement, and not backing down.  That takes some guts.

  15. Because it's Newsnight and she was trying to do her best Jeremy Paxman hardass persona to make it seem like the show is Serious Business. It's sort of like what our Nightline used to be with Ted Koppel but with more crankyness.

  16. The obvious is not that often obvious

  17. Scientology hasn't had a Crusades, Inquisition, 9/11 yet. If he thinks Scientology deserves more ridicule then the others than he is wrong. Christianity and Islam is just to powerful and has brainwashed too many people for him to want to say the same about him I bet, unless he is a follower of one of those himself. People want to ridicule Scientology because the beliefs sound weird, but the major religions sound just as weird to me, and even the church of Scientology has done bad thing and that adds to the reason people want to speak out about it, I think the major religion have done worse.
