Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Island of Drunk Monkeys

In the Caribbean, Vervet Monkeys have developed a taste for alcohol and can regularly be spotted stealing cocktails from humans on the beach. Brilliant wildlife video from BBC animal show 'Weird Nature'.
(via Pharyngula)


  1. I see this as an argument against evolution. If we were truly distant cousins, these creatures would be beating the crap out of each other when they get drunk, just like us more civilized, moral, specially-chosen of god.
    I've always considered the human evolutionary branch an insult to apes.

  2. Thieving ass monkeys.

  3. I've said it before,

    Nature Media Blog
    Your daily source of nature videos

    I've had enough of all the nature videos on this site! This blog is run by a bunch of degenerate nature lovers. I'm sick of it!

  4. Farewell and be well.

  5. God (may he be blessed) damn it!!!
    How hard is it to ignore it?

  6. I forgot my <sarcasm> tag.</sarcasm>

  7. <span>Shep, I was about to do the exact same joke... ;) </span>

    Funny vid BTW.

  8. Darabos Edvárd KonrádJune 7, 2010 at 6:01 AM

    In this case, I really like it!!! :-D

  9. See we humans like OUR leaders to give up alchohol by appealing to a 'hgiher' power or do drugs as "just a college phase" before we elect them.

  10. Come on monkeys, let's be civilized here.. at least use the straws!

  11. I found the argument for genetic component to alcoholism to be flawed. Not saying there isn't any, but I don't see how just because a percentage of the population drinks till they drop it must be genetic. Why couldn't it be a property of group dynamics? Social status?

    And if it was a genetic component, why would the allele have the same frequency in separate populations of different species?

  12. Argument? Flawed? I simply chuckled at the sight of a pissed monkey falling off a park bench, just like some of my more enjoyable relatives. Get a sense of humor and don't see intellectual challenge everywhere. Suggests egomania.

  13. So you laughed at the video. And then what? You pick a fight with someone in the comments, and make generalizations about people (that they see intellectual challenge everywhere, and are possibly egomaniacs) based on one single post.

    I laughed too. Then my amusement gave way to curiosity and wonder about the things discussed in the video. Like Martin, I too found the certainty with which the narrator stated that liking alcohol is determined by genes to be unwarranted if it was based only on the reasons in the video. Perhaps there was no time to elaborate on more substantive reasons.

    You seem to think that you're better than us because petty fight picking rather than curiosity and wonder are the thoughts that you entertain after you have a laugh.

  14. I confess. Always abhored Mutual Agreement Societies, Opinion by Head Count, Parrot Converences. I'm usually the a**hole forced to find a good side to J. Fallwell when the chorus goes too much agin' him.
    Forgive me.
    PS. What are you still doing here? Get out, quick, before they post another one of those degenerate nature clips!!!

  15. No sweat. I understand as I have a tendency to do the same thing myself.
