Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mediums Gather in Brazil for Religious Ceremony

May 2, 2010 on BBC:
Thousands of mediums from all over the world have gathered in Brazil to participate in an annual religious ceremony.

The event is held every year in the Valley of the Dawn, an area in Brazil famous for its spiritualism.
(Thanks James)


  1. Looks like a bigger cosplay than the Catholic church.

  2. Quick someone lend them the shroud of Turin (or has the Pope finished using it to divert the masses. The Pope and his church are looking for any diversion to keep people thinking about the criems against humanity criminal charges against he and his motley crew for raping boys and a few girls).

    If they want to know the meaning of life they should follow the Pope and his crew of pedophiles into the Catholic Church, where they can be blessed by the big guy in the sky. Sometimes I just feel like these must of come from a different branch of Darwin's evolutionary tree than I did - one lower down. ;)

  3. <span><span> I always wondered how stupid can people get. </span></span>

  4. Why can't the Brazilians just put on some regular theatre instead?

    - See five or six people dressed alike, performing some ritual, claiming to have some hidden knowledge or special powers and before you know it .... they have attracted a fascinated crowd eager to join in - monkey see, monkey do.

  5. do you think all "the Brazilians" are followers of this cult?

  6. I totally wan't to stink bomb that place, and when they get mad I could say "Why didn't you stop me, couldn't you see it coming?"

  7. I thought the plural of medium was media.

  8. it's impressive how a 1.34 min. video can generate such agressive comments. That's the problem of mediatic generation, they digest all that journalists say without any critical assessment.
