Sunday, May 2, 2010

I'm Sorry I'm a Christian

Vancouver Poetry Slam:
Chris Tse was the 1st place winner on the 21st of December with a score of 57.3 with his poem I’m Sorry I’m a Christian.
(via DoctorE)


  1. Powerful, at least to me.

  2. Well he spelled it out the long list of reasons for all the baggage that being a Xtian has brought with it over the last 2,000 years. We have left the age of religion and we are now in the age of reason. Time to give up being an Xtian and walk away from the irrational view of the world called religion. Hitchens certainly got the title right.

  3. Maby I got it wrong but it sounded like he just blame humans for ignoring the loving gods message?

  4. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 2, 2010 at 3:45 PM

    Loved it and 3:36 sec is all it took.

  5. Damn, the lining up at the back to give the girls a hug thing made tears well up.

  6. Well... It was a good poem.

  7. I'm sorry, but that rocked. Even if he is a Christian.

  8. every church servise should start with this

  9. i agree with the above

  10. Okay, this is a load of crap.  Original sin doesn't exist.  This is liek the religious version of white guilt.  You're not responsible for what other people did,  There are PLENTY of good arguments against Christianity, but this one is bs.  Grow some balls kid and take responsibility for your decision to choose to follow a faith that you're so ashamed of.  DOn't internalize all everything Christianity ever did like you did them.  You didn't!  And don't think that your being "really sorry" means that now it's totally fine for you to just ignore logic and continue with a faith (that you clearly have no pride in) because it "feels good."  This is the worst kind of Christian, the pussy hypocrite.  < /rant >

  11. I looked at this more like performance art rather than anything prescriptive.  I'd probably agree with you if it were presented in a manner that was less artistic and more purely emotive.  Still I get your POV.

  12. it seems like people don't look at this as an art form but want it to be an airtight creed. he's not ashamed of the faith, i think. he's ashamed of the misuse of it.

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