Monday, May 3, 2010

Idiotic Australian Senator

March 8, 2010 on ABC (Australia) - Full Episode


  1. well...his attempt to dodge the questions didn't seem obvious at all

  2. that's the shit the christians been going on all the time : "Everyone can have their own opinion, we should respect this views"
    NO, for fuck's sake no!
    verifiable statement about reality is not an opinion, or just a different view : you're either right, or wrong. Just because sience is limiting itself by it's definition - "we never know for sure, we are always on the brink of the known", doesn't mean some old desert mythbook fights on equal terms with hundreds of years of astrology and cosmology. Can someone tell them there are different levels of uncertainty? I can "bend over backwards" as Dawkins said somewhere, and give them the 'we don't know wheather some kind of god exists'.  But <10k year old Earth?  And you can have your own opinion about that?! Go read a book you count!
    I'm getting tired of this, really... And I'm from Europe, I don't even see this shit everyday, just on the internet.

    btw Dawkins' "Omg i'm sitting next to a real idiot"-face is adorable

  3. They laugh at him!  That's fantastic!  

    There is no other proper response to espousing a belief in creationism than laughter.  


  4. tankred: astrology?  ;)

  5. The view on Richards face was priceless. It's not often you get to sit beside a completely delusional idiot who ignores all the evidence and its interpretation by the entire scientific community to cling to the brainwashing they had as a kid, or is it?
    It is probably the George Bush syndrome. After all he was the President of the US and he believed this trash as well.

  6. If you watch the whole thing it becomes genuinely astonishing how little that guy says in comparison to how much he flaps his gums.

  7. Do politicians have to lie about their faith in Australia as well?

  8. Audience laughter is the right reaction to this.
    I wish that would happen here.

  9. SENATOR hahahah, Australia is going down.. ;)

  10. damn, i screwed up :P thanks for pointing this out

  11. Yes. The dodge. See, if you dont make a statement you can't be wrong. Right?

  12. Dammit, what the hell is wrong with the majority of Aussies? Even Crocodile Dundee was ignorant and thought he and God would be "mates."

    The only upside is that the 2006 Census reported that 19% of the population had no religious affiliation, but that doesn't exactly mean all 19% are atheists.

  13. Hey Dave, no it doesn't (although I think a case can be made that most people who claim to be 'agnostic' are actually atheists). If you look at the previous 2 censuses to the 2006 there has been a steady growth of the 'non-religious' category and a corresponding decline in the overall Christian proportion (down to about 64% if I remember right). However that 64% is rather misleading considering less than 9% of Australians attend church outside religious holidays (according to the National Church Life Survey) so I'd hazard the prediction most 'Christians' in Australia are only Christian in a cultural sense not a religious sense.

    With better questions our census could reveal quite a substantial proportion of Australians are atheist or atleast apathetically agnostic. The ABS however has been rather unresponsive to requests to improve this portion of the census.

  14. I was actually cheering when I saw this on live television a few months ago. For once the audience thought what I thought: this is a joke. To get asked several times clearly and without malice to state what you believe in, and then to hide behind a strawman defense "I'm not asking people ..." should result in groans from the crowd.

    Proud to be an Aussie!

  15. wish folks here would laugh in the faces of some of these politicians that cotton to these beliefs and try to force them on all.
