Sunday, May 23, 2010

Family Asks Doctors to Wait for Prayers to Work

May 22, 2010 on WFAA Channel 8:
A North Texas family is racing to stop a hospital from amputating a patient's foot, saying the procedure violates their religious rights.

The situation is now so tense that Angela Wright's husband has been barred from the hospital where she is being treated.

Wright had her first heart attack two months ago. Her family immediately began calling prayer groups, asking fellow Christians to appeal to God.

They kept praying through five more heart attacks.

"It's everything," said Dwight Wright. "It's the reason my wife's still here, I believe."
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  1. You'd think that after six heart attacks over the span of two months that has obviously made matters worse, God would do something. These people are selfish and delusional, and this is an example of religion inhibiting medical science from alleviating the situation.

  2. You would think for a god that speeks the universe into existance instantanously he wouldnt need "time" to fix one ladies foot.

  3. The prayer method would be much more likely to help if the particular imaginary bearded sky daddy these people have invented actually did exist. But since they don't really have an invisible super friend with superpowers who lives in an invisible compartment behind the sky it seems most likely scientifically based medical care would be a better choice.

  4. And that's why you don't marry a Christian. They will make stupid medical decisions if you're ever incapacitated.

  5. Unfinished SympathyMay 23, 2010 at 1:13 PM

    That's the normal way to go in that region of the world. Bit stupid to get shocked  by it even. It's how things are evolving and being done there.If u live there and don't agree or are somewhat educated then move out. Otherwise live with it. We're talking about some state where it is ok to teach children that we walked with dinosaurs 6000 years ago. We're talking about a state where the authorities won't intervene when idiots go organise mass brainwashing events or even bigger idiots go burn down abortion clinics. So seriously does this even surprise anyone?
    I've had the bad luck,as a European, to have been stuck there for a while and the utter and common retardness there is just mindblowing. And that then includes plenty of third world countries i been at but are nowhere down at that level.
    So really, who cares?

  6. Unfinished SympathyMay 23, 2010 at 1:26 PM

    And how the hell can some mentally challenged family member overrule doctor's decicions when dealing with a human life? That has something to do with those first or whatever amendments those creeps like to wave around with there?
    That place and the people in it are beyond repair i'm afraid.

  7. Unfinished, what "mass brainwashing events" events are you talking about in which the authorities are supposed to intervene? Are we of the opinion, now, that the authorities are the ultimate arbiters of what constitutes a "valid" public gathering?

  8. If the husband would have planted a $1000 faith seed with Mike Murdock Ministries, the wife would have been healed by now. "Oh ye of little faith"!
    Remember, "Nothing is impossible for God".
    The husband is not a real Christian. That's why his wife didn't get healed.
    It's not in the plan of God to heal her. She has sin in her life.
    ETC, ETC!!

    OK, I'm just having some fun.

  9. I say, let them see if the praying works. If it heals naturally, then good for them. If she gets worse and/or dies, then I guess it was all "part of God's plan", right? It's a win/win!

  10. The hospital's layer should have the idiot sign a document releasing the medical staff of any responsibility for his wife's health, along with the aknowledgement that he may be open to prosecution for criminal negligence (or whatever appropriate) due to his insistance to prevent a life saving procedure.

  11. yeah, those guys are the real christians and this is the real faith. And say even more they should not beg for his life as he'll surely come back to his sky daddy into the heaven and they should be happy for his departure to the differnet dimension. Yeah i hope it's gonna be even more such faithfull people in the world. Evolution is going to do the rest.

  12. <span> a state where the authorities won't intervene when idiots go organise mass brainwashing events or even bigger idiots go burn down abortion clinics.</span>

    Bull. Just a few years ago, Austin had a bomb threat at an abortion clinic on the South Side. The Austin Police responded promptly and thoroughly, evacuating businesses and residences nearby (an apartment complex), and shutting down the 35 freeway before defusing the bomb. They took the statements of the clinic workers who reported seeing someone leaving a bomb, and that person was caught.

    The cops know full well that if they do nothing about any bomb threat, any businessesses. residents. drivers or other people who suffer harm or damage will sue the city and win.

    Get out more.

  13. <span> a state where the authorities won't intervene when idiots go organise mass brainwashing events or even bigger idiots go burn down abortion clinics.</span>

    Bull. Just a few years ago, Austin had a bomb threat at an abortion clinic on the South Side. The Austin Police responded promptly and thoroughly, evacuating businesses and residences nearby (an apartment complex), and shutting down the 35 freeway before defusing the bomb. They took the statements of the clinic workers who reported seeing someone leaving a bomb, and that person was caught.

    The cops know full well that if they do nothing about any bomb threat, any businessesses. residents. drivers or other people who suffer harm or damage will sue the city and win.

    Get out more.

  14. <span><span>a state where the authorities won't intervene when idiots go organise mass brainwashing events or even bigger idiots go burn down abortion clinics.</span>  
    Bull. Just a few years ago, Austin had a bomb threat at an abortion clinic on the South Side. The Austin Police responded promptly and thoroughly, evacuating businesses and residences nearby (an apartment complex), and shutting down the 35 freeway before defusing the bomb. They took the statements of the clinic workers who reported seeing someone leaving a bomb, and that person was caught.  
    The cops know full well that if they do nothing about any bomb threat, or a fire, a shooting, whatever, then any businesses,. residents. drivers or other people who suffer harm or damage will sue the city and win.  
    Get out more.</span>

  15. Never underestimate the stupidity of the religious conservative.

    You wonder where the Neandertal genes went in the human genome?  Texas.

  16. These people are desperately worried about someone they obviously deeply love.  In those circumstances people often act irrationally. Even some atheists might pray in such a situation, not because they believe in god but because under extreme stress people often loose their rationality.  I don't blame these people for trying to do what they think is best for their loved one.  I think we should feel compassion for them despite the fact that they are acting totally irrationally.

    The problem is the low standard education in the US, and the power of organised religion.  From what I can see, people in many parts of the US are not taught even basic critical thinking skills in school and they're not encouraged to question anything.  Then you have organised religion, be it christianity, islam, scientology or whatever looming large in US society.  With this combination I think people are bound to cling to one set of crazy religious beliefs or another - because they don't have the mental tools to put together a rational alternative.

  17. The Important difference is that atheists would pray for the medical operation to succeed or a general (and personal) "hope things would get better", that when compared to actively withholding medical care in favour of wishful thinking, appears as the most rational action a person can take in such situations.

  18. Off with her leg! I actualy feel bad for the medical center that's dealing with this family. Seems like a very tough situation. If this lady dies because her family wants to let the "all mighty" heal her; they may turn around and say the hospital was careless and try to bring forth legal action. Like that one guy that said it, I hope they made the family sign a release so that the hospital isn't liable because her family are idiots.

  19. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 24, 2010 at 6:16 AM

    If Christian´s want prayer instead of medical treatment well that´s a huge burden off medical expenditure from the state.

    If Christian´s choose prayer over health care and medical care only to die from the result of this choice,  it´s natural selection at work.

    If the hospital can sign over the full responisibilty to the patient or family, then fine let them pray to the cows come home. I have little sympathy with those cretans, considering how many people living in 3rd world countries who would kill to get that kind of medical care.

    I only draw the line with children, that´s when authorities have to step in.

  20. She can make the desicion for herself.  If she can request medical care then go for it.  The family only get's the final say when the individual is unable to communicate their desires.

  21. If she dies, then they should charge the husband with first degree murder for interfering.

  22. He's not actively interfering, only preventing care.
    I think they won't be able no get him on more than criminally negligent manslaughter.

