Friday, May 21, 2010

Entire Aftermath of the Attacks on Lars Vilks


  1. More evidence that islam is completely incompatible with the values of western liberal democracies. They just don't get freedom of speech.

  2. What really put me off were those assholes who thought that just because they pay taxes like every other citizen, they have the right to not be offended by this and think that they can dictate what can and cannot be shown even in a controlled setting that is accessible to the public, but not directly displayed in public.

    Islam teaches submission, not self-control. That is why it breeds weak people.

  3. Let me get this straight:
    people go to a conference on free speech.
    people don't like what they see
    people try to stifle the speaker by physical force
    people then complain to the officers that these used force to stop them..

    Okay, from now on I refuse to call throwbacks like that "people". These are vile animals that  should have gone the way of the neanderhtaler. 

  4. Ironic, isn't it?

    Like going to an exhibition of portraits and complaining that faces are visible. Duh.

  5. lasers for eyes jacksonMay 21, 2010 at 11:46 AM

    This is a plague on the west.

  6. Patrick, please...
    Do not offend the Neaderthals...

  7. What I don't understand, is how would they treat a claim by me, that I find their religion (or some aspect of it) "offensive".  Would that compel them to "Respect" my views? Would they proceed to censor themselves?

    I find the outrage by religious folks over these "offensive" things to be very self-serving.  

  8. Horrible. It is almost a quarter of a millennia since Voltaire said: "I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it".
    This crazy mysticistic bigotry called religion, surely a wonderful and loving phenomenon; not really ...

  9. does anyone know if he plans to screen the film anywhere else. i'd happily go along and show support for freedom of speech if he was to screen it in the UK

  10. Don't these backwards asses understand that THEIR trampling of our freeedoms and liberties are every bit as offensive to us as any drawing og Huhammad may be to the Muslims, even the ones showing that bronze age paedophile sheepherder being sodomized by other men.

  11. Democracy and Muslims. Square peg in a round hole. They have no idea what freedom of speech even means. If you don't want t o hear it or see it stay away. We have every right to treat their sky daddy like evry other sky daddy, with scorn.

  12. But we just found out that all cuacasians and asians are partially decended from <span>neaderthals...</span>

  13. Kudos to the Swedish girl who stood up to them, the rest of the room should have been speaking out against the group of Muslims who got upset.  Not fighting them physically, of course, but only one person had the balls to say 'you don't get it, do you?"

    I'm disappointed in the young non-muslim men who just sat there the whole time.

  14. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 21, 2010 at 4:24 PM

    <span>What a plucking mad house! You´ve got one idiot screaming that it is porn (clearly he gets off on blasphemy) and the film should be stopped!! </span>
    <span>After the attack a girl in  arabic is heard screaming  play the movie you fucking pig. Then another man is yelling about how the few seconds of the movie made another protester vomit. Good grief...I don´t think The Excorcist will be his cuppa tea. Come to think of it perhaps Bambi might be off limits....well at least it´s halal. </span>
    <span>Then there was that out and proud feminist who yelled "can´t you get that you fucking cunt". Did you learn that at the mosque my dear? There was a father in there with a small child in his arm.  That´s family values for yer!</span>

    Oh and the "We´re Swede´s too" is priceless. FYI: Swede´s like their red herrings served cold and on rye.  
    You have to give it to them, they are cheeky, rude, manipulative and deceitful. They may have won this battle but it will come back to slap them in the face. I´m very glad that this was captured on video.   
    The only people who have any right to be offended are the homosexuals here.  
    I´m pretty sure that several people there have violated the law on homophobia.  
    The very thought of Mohammed being gay offends me. I don´t want my sexuality and my life being connected in any way with that low life scum.  
    Funny how these people always make "veiled" threats (tongue placed firmly in cheek) and use their numbers to intimidate us into silence.
    If GLBT constitute 6 % of the population this means <span>396 000 000 million gay and lesbians have been offended by these people. But when you lump in their loved one´s like their family and friends you are looking at half a billion people who have been offended. Would my senile granny be willing to blow up a mosque over this??!!! You just never know with those frisky 90 year olds (hormones at that age).</span>

  15. <span>As a fellow swede, being a swedish citizen means they're every bit as swedish as me. Period. 
    Everything else they said was complete bollocks though.</span>

  16. This is out of control. I'm starting to believe there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim. These are essentially normal people, students and the community of a university, and they turn into the pigs when their prophet is insulted. You could insult me, my parents, my siblings or whomever else I care about, and I wouldn't react like that. It is absolutely insane what this does to people

  17. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 21, 2010 at 5:42 PM

    Yeah it struck me how many of them were dressed in western clothes. Looking at their H&M clothing you would assume that these people were happily assimiliated....until they started yelling lol.

    And there was a threat against Lars Vilk, when one of the guys said to the police "if you don´t want trouble, take him out of Uppsala".

  18. It's not even a question of comprehending freedom of speech.  It's a question of valuing consistency, as opposed self-serving double-standards. 

  19. ManCreatedGodCreatedHellMay 21, 2010 at 8:19 PM

    Makes you weep.

  20. Perfect, perfect, perfect example of the peaceful religion known as Islam.  The only difference from these people and Christians (or any other cult) is that these Muslims are willing to engage and enforce these acts because it's taught by their 'holy' book.  Christians aren't willing to go this far, even though their bible instructs them to.

    Anyone who says differently is ignorant of these 'holy' texts.

    Reminds me of some of the commandments...  

    "Thou shalt not kill"  (other Christians)
    "Thou shalt not commit adultery" (with another Christian)

    The additions in parentheses are the only way to reconcile the dogmatic teaching of killing whole villages and burning everything to the ground.  (except the 'keep the virgins for yourself' part)   (poor virgins, sucks to be you in religion)

  21. That is disturbing to watch how they act like savages and don't get what free speech is.I'm glad it was shown though it has to be shown and I hope as many people as possible see this video to see how bad it is when you don't know what freedom of speech is and when you follow a books laws blindy. You end up starting to follow irrational rules like not being able to draw a person. Sheesh it is just a picture people!

    See I was disturbed watching them and I didn't cry out to the Invisible Flying Spaghetti monster or wished to smite them.

  22. Reminds me of little spoiled brats throwing a tantrum when they don't get their way.

  23. m from vienna, austriaMay 22, 2010 at 2:19 AM

    the self righteousness of the islamist protesters is disgusting - obviously they came to the conference just to be outraged and to act out on their outrage. then to accuse others of limiting their freedom of expression is the pinnacle of hypocrisy. to me it is obvious that islamistic activists are unfit for civil und civic deates and therefore for taking part in public life.

  24. i wanna take you to a gaybar...

  25. ****Okay I'm sorry, but he got what he deserves. And Yes I'm an antheist, but I'm Not bias like 99% of you, I'm fair regardless of which side it is. Why would you do that in the name of freedom of Speech. That's like Me having an Expo on the N-Word, and not expecting Black people to want to beat the crap out of me. Or burning the U.S or Canadian Flag or put feces on it and say I'm in free country (which i am canadian incase ur wondering) and not expect those people to want to Kill me.****

  26. This is disgusting, and what's worse is that the Swedish are just bending to their wishes.

  27. No more blashemy BS. Enough free rides.
    And unlike the n-word it is actually directed at existing living human beings instead of fictional deities.

  28. It's still no excuse for violence. You can expect people to denounce you for such actions, but to make threats against your life would be uncalled for.

  29. So, Mr. Quatchi, you think it's fair for a Muslim to enter a free speech lecture given by a man who became famous for being targeted for violence by Islam, and violently attack the lecturer for demonstrating the topic of the lecture?

  30. To BluePrint, I'm Black and If KKK member came to York University in Toronto talking freedom of Speech N-word this Nword that, show picture lynching and slavery and scream White Power. 

    Yes i would whip his ass, and that's an understatment. 

    Sue me!

  31. As have been pointed out. The muslims are offended on the behalf of a person who has been dead for a looooong time, and they are offended because they think that person's holiness is being threatened, a holiness that has not been proved in any way, nor can they explain why it would be threatened by depicting said person alone - especially since many muslim cultures used to do this themselves often and a lot before. They demand that people who are not muslims follow a silly arbitrary rule of theirs that makes no sense at all (especially not if we take their own history of depicting him into consideration), and threaten with violence if they don't. Do you want to follow all rules of all religions there are out there? Would you do it if the religious people claimed you offended them if you didn't? Do you want to be threatened if you don't? Do you want to feel free to critisize what you think are not right, what is nonsense, what you think are harmful without having your life threatened?

    That's what these people demand, and what we are opposing.

    Satirizing institutions of power (such as large religions) in text and pictures is an awfully old tradition, and a big part of freedom of press and speech, a tradition which Christianity seems to be able to deal with without violence these days. Many muslims are also very familiar with this tradition and employes it widely, only they don't "kick upwards" against the powerful institutions, but they "kick down" especially towards Jews who can be depicted in ways that is blatantly hateful and racist. But themselves, they can't take anything? These people are not offended as much as they want to silence any opposition with sheer violence and power. They say they want respect, but what they really want is fearful submission! Obedience by everybody to their every whim!

    It's a situation that is not similar to the situation you are describing in any way shape or form.

  32. If you don't mind me correcting your analogy, what we see in the above video would be compared to you, Quatchi, making a well informed choice to attend a university lecture by a KKK member, while suspecting what aspect of free speech will be talked about and your likely socially unacceptible reaction to it. Then reacting as you expected after you exposed yourself to the speech you suspected.

    To be physically assaulted is not a fair response to speaking your mind, not in civilized countries, not since the age of enlightment.
    Being black, I doubt you want to live in the times when that was the custom, as the freedom to assault people holiding different views went hand in hand with the freedom to oppress people of different physical attributes.

  33. I hate Islam so much...

    Those kinds of religious retards should be deported and sent to countries like Iran or Saudi-Arabia. Or better yet, to Russia or CHINA - let's see them pull that kind of a stunt over there and hear them shout at the Chinese police or the Russian ОМОН!

  34. Repeat after me:


  35. <span><span>And do you think that unto such as you,
    A maggot-minded, starved, fanatic crew,
    God gave the secret, and denied it to me?
    Well, well, what matters it? Believe that too...</span><span><span></span></span></span>

  36. I wonder how they would have reacted to this drawing:

  37. To be honest the video was obviously made to incite violence and provoke this kind of reaction...has no artistic value whatsoever- has the chanting of allah in the beginning then music saying "I wana take you to a gay bar" lol its pretty atheists we should draw the line as well- if you invite christians to a lecture and then all of a sudden show jesus being anal raped- it is hurtful and asking for trouble...

    There has to be freedom of speech- I'm fully for that...but where is the morality and ethical standards in this video? the idiot cartoonist is just asking for trouble- it isn't like he is making some valid point...

  38. @Comon: You have to be fucking kidding me. So homosexuality is the problem now?

  39. You have to be fucking kidding me! So homosexually is the problem now? I guess whenever someone says "<span>There has to be freedom of speech, BUT..." you already know enough.

  40. Swedes don't behave that way. The only taxpayers in Sweden that behave so violently are Muslims. Swedes believe in freedom of speech. Muslims do not, whether in Sweden or not. These people were behaving like primitive animals. I would be ashamed to show my face while exhibiting such behavior. This is a clear demonstration of why religion is evil and of no value.

  41. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 23, 2010 at 6:10 PM

    No particular group was invited you dumbass!

    I don´t think muslim´s are that prissy about anal sex either. It is a very common practice in the Middle East due to the importance of in tact hymen´s. Furthermore situational sex between guys in for example in Saudia Arabia is rampant. Mainly due to the seperation of the sexes....imposed by religion. 

    So these hooligans in the video are complete and utter hypocrites especially when you consider the sex life of Mohammed.

  42. who said homosexuality is the problem? these guys are fully against homosexuality (in theory at least whether theyr closet gays is not my point and is irrelevant really) so showing their prophet as a gay guy in a video will surely piss them off lol...

    Im all for freedom of speech- hate speech love speech watever fukn speech, - but with freedom of speech comes pissing people off -that is what im gettin at so getting a headbutt is not suprising!

  43. Apples to Oranges. what youre saying and what happened here are two different things.

  44. Do you have the credentials to call it art or not in the first place?

  45. its funny how the so called "militant" atheists have a cry whenever someone points out that we are actually fallible and can actually do something wrong- part of being an atheist is being able to keep an open mind at all times...remember that.

    Freedom of speech is not absolute it has always had its limits- even in the states; although the USA is probably the country that values it more than anyone else in the world. Does this mean i think this video should be banned? FUCK NO- do i think the video is smart ? HELL NO lol - will it piss off people? FUCK YES- are some of these people violent? OBVIOUSLY! Do you think some people lose the plot faster than others? YES! If you are the one promoting the video or showing it in public should you expect to be in the line of danger? OF COURSE OTHERWISE UR FUKN HANDICAP! So someone might attack you right? DUHH! Does it mean that this is moral or right for violence to be the primary reaction to the video? HELL NO!

  46. <span>"its funny how the so called "militant" atheists have a cry whenever someone points out that we are actually fallible and can actually do something wrong- part of being an atheist is being able to keep an open mind at all times...remember that." </span>
    <span>It's funny how exceptionally daft some people are when they say things like this! Where has anybody ever said that atheists are not fallible and can't do anything wrong? I've never ran into an atheist who has said this or thought this. And if you think that this is what it's all about - then you are, to be quite frank - stupid and need to practice your reading comprehension! I keep running into people who claim that atheist think this though, and they are either theists, or the "I'm atheist, but..." kind. Please refrain from lecturing people about what an open mind means until you yourself understand these things better!</span>

  47. It is so sad we always seem to give in to these radical idiots. They should have continued the screening and we should have demanded screenings everywhere.

    This just shows how dangerous religion is, truely the root of all evil.
