Friday, May 21, 2010

Close Up: Sir Ian Mckellen

Sir Ian Mckellen (Gandalf) rips out the part of the bible that criticizes homosexuals when he stays at hotels.
(via Reddit)


  1. I'm actually opposed to this.  It goes against my respect for others' property and seems a bit like censorship.

  2. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 21, 2010 at 2:45 PM

    I agree with Ian, it is obscene to have a book at your bedside table in which  homosexuals are told to be condemned to death by stonning.

    It´s sick and barbaric, well done for tearing out those pages Sir.

  3. Rather than tear out a page in the bible in your hotel room, wouldn't it be a better idea to call room service and ask them to come and remove it from your room. Just imagine if everyone who checked in at a hotel did that. Where would they store the bibles for the duration of your stay and everyone elses? They might get sick of endless journeys to rooms just to remove the bible.

    I've just decided I will do this at every hotel I stay at from now on.

  4. Oh my goodness you fags are sensitive. It is just a book.

  5. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥May 21, 2010 at 5:51 PM

    Just a book?
    Tell that to the Christians! You would have been thrown into prison for blasphemy not many years ago.

  6. If you are going to do this, 1) please rip out the page with the anti-bacon Leviticus 11, and 2) wash your hands carefully because you never know what sort of people handle that book.

  7. Ha! Here's an article about a Canadian hospital that seals their bibles in plastic to prevent the spread of disease:

  8. Censorship is not in violation of the freedom of speech. Government sensorship is however deciding that someone is not going to make your hotel room a platform for hatfull speach seems prudent to me.

  9. <span>I'll be happy to have the bible openly accessible in my bedside table draw once the other porn on TV is also available for free. 
    Seriously, I think a threatened boycott of hotels that put such trash in your room without a specific request might change things. 
    Does anyone print a copy of Jefferson's bible?</span>

  10. That's hilarious - I saw an opposite example, where a Young Earth Creationist went through every info sign in a botanical garden and scratched off every reference that discussed the age of the earth in millions of years instead of thousands. I took some pics and uploaded them here:

    I remember thinking that Atheists would never do anything similar, but this is almost the same! I understand the personal nature of it, and the pages he's tearing out are repulsive. But it's just a single step away from burning books and I'm not really in favour of that. :)

  11. Putting bibles in hotel bedrooms is a horribly presumptuous practice, so I don't mind this kind of reaction. I don't think Sir Ian was advocating ripping those pages out from copies in bookshops. But why should you stop there, that's only one of many hateful passages, particularly the ethnic tribalism and brutality advocated in the Old Testament.

  12. The property of others? The bibles in hotel rooms are "gifts" from Gideon International. Mr. Mckellen accepted the gift, did with it what he wanted to, and then left it as a gift for someone else.

  13. Only the signs weren't put there as gifts for other people.

  14. Fuck yes! If all the innacuracies and malicious preachments were ripped out of the Bible, there'd be little left.

  15. Um, they are gifts to the hotel, not the patrons.

  16. Whether done by McKellen or apologists, "correcting" objectionable bible content only serves as a misrepresentation of the product.  There are plenty of reasons for rejecting it & I feel they all should be left in.
