Thursday, April 1, 2010

FOX News: Divine Billboard Battle

April 1, 2010 on FOX & Friends
Christian group to unveil new sign in response to atheist billboards


  1. So what's new? There have been religious billboards for years.

  2. Thanks for that completely fair and balanced news report, Gretchen.
    I really enjoyed the unbiased tone of your voice each time you said "atheist."

  3. I would like a response board saying he is risen just like: and all the other gods that were resurrected before and after Jebus.

  4. WOW, they have a savior that have an empty tomb ROTFL, I guess it provides more shelter than a horse with wings and a spear on its head.

  5. LOL... "We all deserve a sunny forecast once in a while."

  6. God making war with the atheists... with billboards?

    Why doesn't he just send the christian army to plunder, rape, and slay the heathens like he did in his prime?

    It seems His Almighty Glory comprimises by sending ugly men to make petty counter-attacks in a hyperbolized "war" against an imagined "assault".

  7. Ahh yes, the correct response for a backlash is escalation.
    How very 'turn the other cheek' of them.

  8. I'd like an atheist response with Stephen Hawking, Ben Franklin, Carl Sagan, etc. that says "Heathen Reason".

  9. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥April 2, 2010 at 6:12 AM

    Jesus, the slob on the slab.
    "He rose from the dead and forgot to make his bed".  
    Said by a disgruntled Ephesian (Virgin Mary), who was often times Jesus´ bed maker.

  10. But if they acknowledge that, then they can't speak with a "they started it" tone like they're under attack. Never mind that just about every time I drive somewhere I see a billboard saying JESUS or some other effort to save me...
