Saturday, February 20, 2010

Morality Without God

by The Thinking Atheist


  1. Yeah, lovely. Not really done a good job of making us look like nice people though - this music sucks!!

  2. I'm so glad someone else commented on the music. Come onnnnnnnnn.

  3. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥February 20, 2010 at 4:00 PM

    Lol....what about the screams that can be heard in the background? Sounds like a recording taken onboard a rollercoaster.

  4. I got to about "You mean the same God that endorses:" and sighed realizing it was going to be one of those videos.

  5. If any or all of this really happened - god had nothing to do with it. There is simply no god.
    All this horror is the work of man.  True or not - man is capable of such atrocities.  Many times they are done in the name of religion.

  6. I've heard said that whatever the most horrible thing you could think of one person doing to another, it has been done and worse.

  7. Man is capable of doing anything in the name of god!

  8. You guys are missing the point. The maker of the video isn't proposing God exists. He/She is making the point that billions around the world are following a god (which in their mind is completely real) who is vindictive and brutal.

  9. Beyond the 3 minute mark, this one just gets too preachy for my tastes.
