Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Man Sues to Get 'IM GAY' Car Tag

February 16, 2010 on AP


  1. I'm pretty sure that, living in America, if he gets his plate, his life expectancy will drop considerably! However, given those other examples that *have* been allowed, he should definitely win his case (in an unbiased court).

  2. Of course he should get it if he wants it.

    However I'm not sure I'd agree that the best way to show who you are is to put it at the back of your car :)  

  3. Damn straight!
    He should be allowed to get the plate if he wants it. Is hurting some poor ignoramous' feelings really the worst thing you can do?

  4. <p><span>"Is hurting some poor ignoramous' feelings"</span>
    </p><p><span>Some ?</span>
    </p><p><span>He's just hurting feelings of  'some'  billion + god loving, honest Christians on the face of the earth. I won't even mention the feelings of some god loving, honest, peace desiring Muslims all over the world (another billion+)</span>
    </p><p><span>No wonder Oklahoma Department of Transportation feels responsible for it and took the matter into their own hands. Everyone should follow them, the morale healthy people of Oklahoma D.of T.</span>
    </p><p><span> </span>
    </p><p><span>Peace, <span> </span>brothers and sisters... Peace be with you.</span>

  5. Ah, the troll is back. Moved any mountains lately?

  6. Wikipedia must be wrong, it says Oklahoma's population is barely 3.7mil.
    That means he would be offending only about 3.3mil biggots.

  7. slay a million people and gods all fine, kids and animals, all fine. Stick your winky in a guys bottom and god goes fucking ape-shit.

  8. Mr.Troll always here...
    Seinfeld four !!!

    :) ))

  9. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥February 17, 2010 at 11:06 AM

    and beside´s it´s Oklahoma!! Hello...yellow brick road, Judy Garland!!!

    Get a fucking sense of humour D.O.T!

  10. I understand there is a double standard in place, but couldn't he just find a sticker (or rather, make one) that says "I'm Gay!"?

  11. I see no troll. Just some funny shit.

  12. yeah but thats the easy and passive way to do it...

    were talking an official licence plate...this could bring great results...

  13. What does this have to do with atheism?  I thought this is not  This story has nothing to do with atheism.

  14. Well seeing as much homophobia comes from those with religious beliefs that denounce homosexuality, and there is also a clear double standard in this particular case, I think that this does have something to do with atheism. Homophobia and religion are demonstrably linked.

  15. Like slipa said, homophobia is rooted in religion.

    Second, while atheism may just mean a lack of religious belief, atheists tend to also share humanist values. Among those values is equality for all people, including homosexuals.

    Thirdly, blog owners can post whatever the hell they please. Anything they post is relevant to the blog by virtue of the fact that they felt like posting it, and they own the blog. As an anonymous commentor you can 1) ignore posts if you dont like them, 2) visit another blog instead, 3) make your own blog, or 4) go fuck yourself. I doubt the blog owner cares which option you choose. Welcome to the Internet.

    Fourthly, as a homosexual myself, I think these posts are great.

  16. <span>Like slipa said, homophobia is rooted in religion. 
    Second, while atheism may just mean a lack of religious belief, atheists tend to also share humanist values. Among those values is equality for all people, including homosexuals. 
    Thirdly, blog owners can post whatever the hell they please. Anything they post is relevant to the blog by virtue of the fact that they felt like posting it, and they own the blog. As an anonymous commentor you can 1) ignore posts if you dont like them, 2) visit another blog instead, 3) make your own blog, or 4) go fuck yourself. I doubt the blog owner cares which option you choose. Welcome to the Internet. 
    Fourthly, as a homosexual myself, I think these posts are great.</span>

  17. As an avid homosexualist athiest myself, I second this. ;)

  18. It is a valid post cause the man while not promoting atheism he mentioned that a ¨GODLESS¨ tag would not be approved and that pro-religion ones have been approved. If he wins and gets his ¨IM GAY¨ tag then you can get your ¨GSUSSUKS¨ tag.

  19. This isn't about religion. It is about respect. The state of Oklahoma decided that "I'm Gay" on a plate is offensive. It doesn't offend me but I can see how it does offend others.

     Would they allow NIGGAH8TR on a plate?

  20. <span><span>1. There is no law protecting the people against being offended ( and, I hope never it will be imposed upon us).</span></span>
    <span><span>2. The license plate  "I'm gay' it's NOT offensive according to any standards of a decent, intelligent human being.</span></span>
    <span><span>3. Yes. There would always be people out there being offended by the plate ( we are at very beginning of the human evolution, after all) and a healthy, legal, logical and natural response to them would be something in likes of  'fuck 'em.</span></span>
    <span><span>4. Oklahoma DOT is clearly a bunch of bigots ( but, they have the rights to refuse producing the plates if they wish to).</span></span>
    <span><span>5. We, the people, we have the rights to offend the Oklahoma DOT and ridicule them the way we wish to ( and, we do !!).</span></span>
    <span><span>5. Comparing these two plates ( gay one against the niggah) is at least, foolish. One carries the weight of certain pride within, and the other plate is quite racist and very primitive in its merits. But, one can always try to install it.</span></span>
    <span><span>If you dumb enough .</span></span>
    <span><span> </span></span>
    <span><span>That's all folks. I'm going to do some sinning now.</span></span>
    <p><span> </span></p>

  21. If he was trying to get a "FAGGOT" plate, I might understand. That's considered offensive by many. But "IMGAY" is not offensive. It's the most common, polite, socially accepted way to refer to a homosexual.

  22. The only reason someone would be offended by an "IMGAY" plate is that they think homosexuality is wrong. It offends them that gay people exist, especially gay people who aren't ashamed to live openly. They disagree that gay people have a right to exist. They think removing the shame and stigma against homosexuality will "encourage it" in other people.

    Are you sympathetic to those kinds of attitudes? You seem to think that there is legitimacy in their point of view.

  23. This is not about free speech. If it was a bumper sticker it wouldn't matter. The DOT has  deemed that  "I am gay" is offensive. It doesn't offend me. But I can see how some might be offended.

     I call my gay friends fags. They don't care. But they do tell me that other people can be offended by that word and I totally understand. So I don't use it in public.

     Personally I think all vanity plates are lame. It is border line narssism.

  24. ElGuapo, you are really failing to address the key point. Upon what basis does DOT "deem" IMGAY plates to be offensive? It sounds like you are arguing that because they are the government authority that makes the plates they can decide whatever they want. I disagree. They could either opt to allow 100% anything, no vanity plates, or in between. If they are in between, they need to have a fair and consistently applied set of rules for deciding what is allowed. We're arguing that they do not have such a policy.

    Your policy cannot simply be "if it offends people" it's not allowed. That's not fair to minority opinions, and it cannot be consistently applied.
