Saturday, February 27, 2010

FOX News: Atheists Meet With White House

February 27, 2010 on FOX News with Sean Hannity and Mike Huckabee


  1. So... Obama not being hostile to non-religious people is the same as Obama being hostile to religious people? Faux-news-logic...

  2. He actually said, "Religious groups have not received this treatment from the Obama administration"....  What a fucking liar.

  3. I think the funniest part is what he said at the end about gov't transparency. Surely he wasn't calling for that during the Bush years.

  4. Is it me or did they not talk about atheists meeting with the president for more than 7 seconds?

  5. May I just ask why this rubbish is on

  6. jesusfetusfajitafishsticksFebruary 27, 2010 at 6:16 PM

    Here's some more from them...

    "Right wing slams white house for meeting with atheist 'hate groups'"

  7. Did they really both profess not to like "her" for no reason that they could specify? And in the same breath talk about black activists? And never say her name again? Way to dehumanise for very obvious reasons.

    Wow, I keep telling myself I shouldn't click on the Faux News snippets because they are always so upsetting, and memo to self, I really must not.

  8. Why do I keep clicking on MenIn Frox News? I'm hoping for Obama this will be abreath of fresh air. I've lost any hope that the UK government would remove religious privileges from society. Maybe the USA can lead us into the new millennium and help us grow up.

  9. I am in tears, glorious, hysterical tears. They're complaining about Atheists meeting with Obama staffers for a briefing and then Huckabee says in referrence to people not watching his interview with Michelle Obama "We are not benefited as a country when we won't even listen to people."

  10. jesusfetusfajitafishsticksFebruary 28, 2010 at 2:42 PM

    I think it is funny how he blatantly lies about Obama not meeting with xians.

  11. Lying is nothing new to Hannity or Fox News for that matter. They've all been bought and paid for by a blatantly conservative corporatocracy. What more are we expect?

    "atheists meet"

    Not "Secular Coalition" or "secularists", just "atheists". Guess that's the approach you need to employ when 90 percent of your viewer base doesn't know what a "secularist" is anyways.

  12. Why is Pro-Murderer and Cop Hating Mike Huckabee still on Fox News?
