Thursday, February 11, 2010

Airport Body Scanners Violate Islamic Law?

February 11, 2010 on Russia Today
The Fiqh Council of North America (an association of Muslims who interpret Islamic law on the North American continent) issued a ruling (fatwa) earlier this week that says Muslims shouldn't go through full body scanners since this violate Islamic rules on modesty. Nihad Awad heads the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and their purpose is to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties and to promote justice and mutual understanding.


  1. If someone does not want to get body scanned then they should not fly. As long as the rule applies equally to everyone I do not see the problem. This is similar to a Burka, if someone wants to wear it at home that is their business, but if they want to wear it to a bank they should be arrested. There are reasons we want to be able to identify people and what they are carrying and the people who don't want to be identified should be treated suspiciously.

  2. The body scanners simply do not work.  On Youtube, you can see a German-language TV show (complete with English translation, if you get the right one) showing, with the manufacturer present, how the machines can easily be defeated, and fail to detect a detonator and enough thermite made with unnamed components purchased at a local drugstore to burn a hole through a plane.  It's quite a thing to watch.

    The supposed gain from these expensive and invasive machines is, as far as I can tell, just desperately wishful thinking.  If you want to stop this material, these scanners are not the solution.  If I knew what was, I suppose I'd be rich right about now.

  3. Dear Mr. Muslim,

    Tough.  Shit.

  4. That was a very specific test of only passive millimeter wave or teraherz beam devices. They're very new technology and produce shitty images even in "active" mode. They did not address x-ray backscatter devices in that show, which have been in use for years and produce EXTREMELY detailed images.

  5. Did he really suggest making the body scans optional?  Is he an idiot, or does he take us for one?<span> </span>

  6. as blake said, its not how all scanners work.
    and also, i have seen demonstrations of the more precise fullbody x-ray scanners who use a diffrent display image, they don't show the operator the actualy image, only a stylized generic "body" with markings on where the scanenr found shadows.

    that shouldn't disturb any shy muslims

  7. hahah this scanner works double fold for us- love it. personally I cant wait to get my schlong out at the airport.

  8. This guy thinks it's a civil liberty to fly on an airplane.

  9. One would think that flying in an airplane violates islamic law too...

  10. Body scanners should be optional for muslims. There, solved!

  11. Hell, *I* think body scanners violate modesty rules. No need for any interpretations of divinely "inspired" texts.

  12. I'm not a fan of scanners but they are part of a package needed to ensure security.  And besides, aren't the actions of Muslims the reason we have scanners now in the first place?

    Seriously, no scan, no fly. 

    I'd also add sniffer dogs in an opaque booth for everyone.  If the dog reacts to the drug/explosive/chemical, off you go for detailed exams.  But that is against their religion too as dogs are "unclean" animals.

  13. I'm on the fence on this one. Despited the fact of having the body of a greek god ;) , I wouldn't feel confortable going through one of those, let alone letting my gf go through that. But they, let me tell exactly whats gonna happen:

    They will start implementing those body scanners at every single major airport until one day hundreds of images that were taken from varios passangers will be leeked in the internet causing a major controversy, ultimately leading to the extinction of such device. YOU HEARD HERE FIRST!

  14. On the fence also - safety vs civil liberties. I'm sure FOX would have a field day with this bloke.

    I find it extremely ironic that of all people its often the  religious, many who consider the human body perfect and in the image of God himself - are so ashamed to reveal it.

  15. If I want to fly, I do so with the full understanding that there are risks involved.  Should we go out and demand body scanners before people get on a city bus too?  Such paranoia over a single incident.  Panic the gov feeds on to get more control over your personal lives. Before preparing for a step outside your house do you get dressed in full riot gear, or would you rather there be a police officer outside each residence to pat everyone down as they leave their homes.  Screw it, cameras inside your home as well.  

  16. What is it that islam fears so much about the human body? I've grown up in muslim sorroundings all my life and this is a recurring issue. Women must always cover their entire body (which contradicts the beauty of "god" if such a thing exists) and men too have a certain dress code. What is it about the human body that always needs to be covered, hidden or even ashamed of. The sexual deprivation and frustration in the Arab world is prevalent and on-going. what a shame. rather than being taught to appreciate human bodies, little muslim boys and girls are forced to feel awkward, uncomfortable and indeed disgusted by the naked body.

  17. What a joke...

    I find it interesting that he didn't actually discuss what exact passage of scripture was interpretted to support this lame fatwa.

  18. Yeah...i would wather be scanned than patted down...

  19. If Muslims are prevented to fly because of there religous belifs they will not be able to blow the rest of us up!

  20. Yes, he said "optional"; really stupid. There's no right to ride an airplane and an airline has a right to set conditions of service just like I do or anyone else does. As for those dumb enough to follow a "fatwa", not flying is a excellent solution; there is a price to pay for faith. If the gov tried to say that Muslims couldn't fly, that would be a civil liberties violation.

  21. Scanning luggage may show a Muslim's underwear. Let's abolish that as well.

  22. if you dont want to be scanned: airlines are now offering the option NOT to fly too- apparently its only a fraction of the cost of normal flights.

  23. <p>Ah, finally some proof you can come to sensible conclusions.. you should try that more often.

  24. Religion is opinion, not more. Opinion doesn't do to justify special rules or exeptions.

  25. Better, and a lot cheaper.... All guards at All Airports should be NAKED WOMEN!  MUXSLIMS, those LOW LIFE bombing mother-F**KERS think they will die and go to HELL if they see a naked woman. SO LET THEM JUST STAY HOME IN THEIR F**KING DESERT, and leave the CIVILIZED WORLD ALONE!!!!!!

  26. WRONG!!!!!!!  THEY ARE THE ONLY MOTHER-FUCKERS BOMBING EVERYTHING IN SIGHT!  Body SCANS should be made madatory for everyone... You don't want to be scanned... there must be a legitimate reason... maybe a medical reason,  or stay the F**K OFF MY PLANE!!!

  27. Dear MUXSLIM, TOUGH SHIT!!! STOP BLOWING THINGS UP, and the need for scanning your IRON-AGE ASSES wouldn't be necessary.  YOU BROUGHT THIS SHIT ON YOURSELVES... SAND MONKEYS!!!!

  28. You don't want to be scanned.. for your own safety????  YOU CAN STAY THE F**K HOME TOO!

  29. HEY, IF THEIR GOD-DAMNED GHOURD allows them to kill, then 'he'  can damn well allow them to be scanned!

  30. YOU'RE STUPID!  YOU CAN'T BLOW A BUS out of the sky, and kill everyone aboard!
