So we're not a blessed country anymore because we don't do enough for God? We're all getting coal in our stockings because we don't prostrate ourselves to him? What a petty, selfish brat of a diety.
If only we all just "gave it a try", everything in America would be so much better. She believes this, and I am afraid.
3%er here, wondering why Glen Beck, when wondering "who are we that we can't get THIS done" when going by the World Trade Center site, doesnt instead wonder... "Maybe those 3%ers are right and understand what terrible things irrational delusional belief in super natural myths can do". Could have saved himself and Sara Palin some embarassing relief of hot air and me 6 minutes of my time.
<p>5:57 minutes of this nonsense is just too much to comment on so I'll restrict myself to roughly about 0:40 to 2:00 minutes. According to these 2 babbling-heads 3% of the Americans just don't get it, the notion of God and the role He plays in the country and in life in general that is, but luckily the rest (let me do the math for them: 97%) do get it.. whoohoopy! However, Sarah Palin would like to see more people (that would be this 3% since the rest apparently chipped in already) to give praying to Him a try for to seek His wisdom and guidance which would allow the American nation to become the greatest, strongest and most prosperous country on this earth. <p>Oh really, 97% just isn't enough? I guess they actually need that tiny extra 3% as well (maybe because they are so loud?) to generate sufficient praying power to make it work. So come on, don't be such a spoilsport! Get on your knees and fold those hands!
See, this is exactly the kind of thing that convinced me 30 years ago or whenever it was that "Apocalypse Now" came out that taking more acid would just be to repeat what was already redundant about reality. Or something. Never mind.
Far as the nearly-VP's "3%": it's a thinly-veiled ("apocalypse" means "unveiling"!), time-worn, nauseating attempt to boost one's status and induce conformity through the exploitation of the natural human fear of being left "out". On top of which, even according to old infomation it's so far off that at best it's "irresponsible". I suspect more likely she's lying deliberately. According Michael Martin's Encarta bar graph from 12 years ago, the non-religious of the world even then outnumbered Protestants, Catholics and Muslims when looked at as independent groups. I don't understand why he counts Buddhists and Hindus as "non-religious" but even leaving them out (of the arithmetic, I mean, I'm sure many or even most of them are very fine people):
ya'll are crazy, so selfish that you cant let people have their peace in hope,why dont you just shoot yourself already,God wont save us,jackass, if we deserve to die let us die,if we deserve to survive then,nothing will stop us,Gods a teacher, hes not gonna clean your wounds, hes gonna teach,ive seen my personal proof,why dont you except death, and let your guard down, for at least one moment of peace, cause the truth is on both sides of the story, that NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE...
<p>"ya'll are crazy" - Funny you said that. <p>"so selfish that you cant let people have their peace in hope" - What are you talking about? Criticizing someones ridiculous ideas does not necessarily prevent people from getting peace and hope out of those ideas, specially since such people tend not to really listen nor think for themselves anyway, Sarah Palin seems to be a fine example of that. However, thinking that people criticize other ideas by expressing their own views just serves the goal to take away peace and hope from others is something which does seem quite selfish and arrogant, wouldn't you think so?. If you want to believe Imaginary Friend is real and helps you, good and good luck for you and I bet most people here feel the same way, just don't start whining when people don't share your God-view. Did you really expect to only find "Oh, praise The Lord" and more nonsense like that on a atheist website? <p>"Why dont you just shoot yourself already" - Instead of just stating the obvious I'd like to encourage you to first try using your own brain to figure that one out.. I bet you can think of some reasons, right? In case you can't find any answers deep down there I'm willing to give you some guidance: ask yourself the same question! If you still can't find any answers we should worry it's very likely you won't be around here much longer talking about your Imaginary Friend as a teacher and such, that'd be kinda sad though. <p>"God won't save us" - Won't argue with that. <p>"if we deserve to survive then,nothing will stop us" - I can think of a couple of things, but maybe I've said too much already.. <p>"why dont you except death" - Who says people won't? At some point we'll all accept (that was the word you actually meant to write down I may assume?) death wether we like it or not, but again I might have said too much.. <p>"and let your guard down, for at least one moment of peace" - Well, no! Not just yet thank you, I've got better ways to experience peace.. got the point already? <p>"cause the truth is on both sides of the story, that NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE…" - I'm not entirely sure what story you're talking about, you seem to babble a lot, but if I get your last statement correctly, meaning we all share the same destiny of death, then we at least seem to agree on two points.
Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. Driven to your knees you say......... while you're down there love.
ReplyDeleteSo we're not a blessed country anymore because we don't do enough for God? We're all getting coal in our stockings because we don't prostrate ourselves to him? What a petty, selfish brat of a diety.
ReplyDeleteIf only we all just "gave it a try", everything in America would be so much better. She believes this, and I am afraid.
"Let me ask you this and maybe we can both self-destruct here..."
ReplyDeleteMakes me want to believe in miracles.
3%er here, wondering why Glen Beck, when wondering "who are we that we can't get THIS done" when going by the World Trade Center site, doesnt instead wonder... "Maybe those 3%ers are right and understand what terrible things irrational delusional belief in super natural myths can do". Could have saved himself and Sara Palin some embarassing relief of hot air and me 6 minutes of my time.
ReplyDeleteI've got news for her, we're more than just 3%.
ReplyDelete<p>5:57 minutes of this nonsense is just too much to comment on so I'll restrict myself to roughly about 0:40 to 2:00 minutes. According to these 2 babbling-heads 3% of the Americans just don't get it, the notion of God and the role He plays in the country and in life in general that is, but luckily the rest (let me do the math for them: 97%) do get it.. whoohoopy! However, Sarah Palin would like to see more people (that would be this 3% since the rest apparently chipped in already) to give praying to Him a try for to seek His wisdom and guidance which would allow the American nation to become the greatest, strongest and most prosperous country on this earth.
ReplyDelete<p>Oh really, 97% just isn't enough? I guess they actually need that tiny extra 3% as well (maybe because they are so loud?) to generate sufficient praying power to make it work. So come on, don't be such a spoilsport! Get on your knees and fold those hands!
If rights come from god, how can you lose them?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she means the same founding fathers who "crafted" documents that kicked god out of government office.
See, this is exactly the kind of thing that convinced me 30 years ago or whenever it was that "Apocalypse Now" came out that taking more acid would just be to repeat what was already redundant about reality. Or something. Never mind.
ReplyDeleteFar as the nearly-VP's "3%": it's a thinly-veiled ("apocalypse" means "unveiling"!), time-worn, nauseating attempt to boost one's status and induce conformity through the exploitation of the natural human fear of being left "out". On top of which, even according to old infomation it's so far off that at best it's "irresponsible". I suspect more likely she's lying deliberately. According Michael Martin's Encarta bar graph from 12 years ago, the non-religious of the world even then outnumbered Protestants, Catholics and Muslims when looked at as independent groups. I don't understand why he counts Buddhists and Hindus as "non-religious" but even leaving them out (of the arithmetic, I mean, I'm sure many or even most of them are very fine people):
3 percent.. right....
ReplyDeleteGlenn Beck is an epic troll.
ReplyDeleteHa ha ha Palin's favorite Founding Father is Thomas Paine, the well known anti-christian!!!
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin America's Dumbest Living Citizen!
Becks sounds sick, heres hoping its the plague!
ReplyDelete"most healthiest"????!! I doubt we are the "most healthiest country." Why can't we be the most smartest? I guess god doesnt teach how to learn good.
ReplyDeleteya'll are crazy, so selfish that you cant let people have their peace in hope,why dont you just shoot yourself already,God wont save us,jackass, if we deserve to die let us die,if we deserve to survive then,nothing will stop us,Gods a teacher, hes not gonna clean your wounds, hes gonna teach,ive seen my personal proof,why dont you except death, and let your guard down, for at least one moment of peace, cause the truth is on both sides of the story, that NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE...
ReplyDelete<p>"ya'll are crazy" - Funny you said that.
ReplyDelete<p>"so selfish that you cant let people have their peace in hope" - What are you talking about? Criticizing someones ridiculous ideas does not necessarily prevent people from getting peace and hope out of those ideas, specially since such people tend not to really listen nor think for themselves anyway, Sarah Palin seems to be a fine example of that. However, thinking that people criticize other ideas by expressing their own views just serves the goal to take away peace and hope from others is something which does seem quite selfish and arrogant, wouldn't you think so?. If you want to believe Imaginary Friend is real and helps you, good and good luck for you and I bet most people here feel the same way, just don't start whining when people don't share your God-view. Did you really expect to only find "Oh, praise The Lord" and more nonsense like that on a atheist website?
<p>"Why dont you just shoot yourself already" - Instead of just stating the obvious I'd like to encourage you to first try using your own brain to figure that one out.. I bet you can think of some reasons, right? In case you can't find any answers deep down there I'm willing to give you some guidance: ask yourself the same question! If you still can't find any answers we should worry it's very likely you won't be around here much longer talking about your Imaginary Friend as a teacher and such, that'd be kinda sad though.
<p>"God won't save us" - Won't argue with that.
<p>"if we deserve to survive then,nothing will stop us" - I can think of a couple of things, but maybe I've said too much already..
<p>"why dont you except death" - Who says people won't? At some point we'll all accept (that was the word you actually meant to write down I may assume?) death wether we like it or not, but again I might have said too much..
<p>"and let your guard down, for at least one moment of peace" - Well, no! Not just yet thank you, I've got better ways to experience peace.. got the point already?
<p>"cause the truth is on both sides of the story, that NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE…" - I'm not entirely sure what story you're talking about, you seem to babble a lot, but if I get your last statement correctly, meaning we all share the same destiny of death, then we at least seem to agree on two points.
Content aside (I know, I know: there IS no content) -- look at his body language! He has the body language of a pompous ass. Ugh.
ReplyDeleteI'm not going to mention the correlation between education and religiosity here cause it's way too easy and I'd kinda feel bad doing it.
ReplyDeletefounding fathers were not all christian nutters, quite the opposite. shut up palin
ReplyDeleteBlessed country?!?!?!!? How about fucking secular country