Thursday, January 14, 2010

AP: Pat Robertson Calls Quake 'Blessing in Disguise'

January 13, 2010 on AP
TV Evangelist Pat Robertson made some unusual observations about the Haiti earthquake on his CBN newscast Wednesday, calling the quake a possible blessing and saying the Haitian people are cursed.


  1. when will we get blessed?  Jesus can you take this fool already?

  2. Yeah, the one crisis after the other that happened to Haiti...American military and business intervention in the country.  Fucking idiot.

  3. Pat is simply echoing all that the bible teaches about this god. In the old testament god is constantly killing men, women, and children. And because god is the one doing it the bible believers feel it's a good thing. It's amazing how the man of god reverend Pat seems to have nothing but godly praise for what has just happened in Haiti. Where's the compassion Pat?

  4. <p>Please, someone drop that senile fool off at a nursing home.

  5. unFUCKING believable.

  6. When is that rapture thing supposed to start!!??  Please take this dipshit.

  7. So let me get this straight.  Pat prays to god that he will bless the men, women, children and babies who live in poverty and squalor by KILLING them because that will allow them to rebuild.  Nice Pat!

    Come to think of it, that's exactly how the god of the bible operates.
