Thursday, August 30, 2007

Jon Ronson - Crazy Rulers of the World

This series is not about religion. But, as atheists, we don't believe in any supernatural nonsense. Whether it's religion, magic, super-human powers, or psychic killing! So i thought this would be related..

Crazy Rulers of the World explores the apparent madness at the heart of US military intelligence.With first-hand access to the leading players in the story, Jon Ronson examines the extraordinary - and plain bizarre - national secrets at the core of George W Bush's war on terror."

Part 1 The Men Who Stare at Goats
Part 2 Funny Torture

Part 3 Psychic Foot Soldiers

Christopher Hitchens on the Hugh Hewitt Radio show

Hitchens talks about Iran, Iraq, and mother Teresa - August 29, 2007

Divorce Iranian Style

This documentary was first aired on 'channel 4' in 1998, and then again this week. It shows how the judicial system in Iran deprives women of their rights.
Iranian courts follow Islamic law where a man can divorce his wife anytime, but a woman has to go through a long and ugly process.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Christopher Hitchens & Bill Donohue on Mother Teresa

"I have no faith" - Mother Teresa

King of the Hill - Looking for a new church

2000 Time Bomb - TV Ministry Salesman/Preacher

only $24.95! I doubt they went to the poor.
Their website (Link) is still on, and yes they are still asking for money. this time to become a "soulwinning" partner.

"Become a ministry partner...TODAY
Witness personally about Jesus and help win your family, friends, and neighbors to Christ!
Become a soulwinning partner with Dr. Jack Van Impe by pledging to send this ministry financial support each month. Jesus is coming again soon -- Perhaps Today! Let's do our best to reach the world for Christ.

And best of all, they are still selling an apocalypse DVD.

Derren Brown on Astrology

The Evangelical War On Science

Monday, August 27, 2007

David Attenborough on God

Laurie Taylor Interviews a Rastafarian

Humanist seminar with Dawkins - Brussels April 07

Part 1

Part 2

Laurie Taylor - A Very British Apocalypse

Sociologist Laurie Taylor (editor of New Humanist magazine) travels across Britain to meet people who believe the end of the world is imminent, including members of a fundamental Christian group who speculate that Armageddon could be brought about by a technological system. He also meets a former taxi driver who is convinced he has the ability to talk to beings from other planets and hears an argument that Earth could be destroyed by aliens.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

British Humanist Association - Thought for the Day

Michael Shermer on Colbert

Michael Shermer Talks about 911, Wikipedia, skepticism, UFOs and more... Link

CNN - iReport - How strong is your faith?

CNN is requesting its viewers to fill a form about faith and the state of religion in the world
"Are you one of the millions of people who live by faith? Do you believe religion is under attack in modern society? Have the lines blurred too much or not enough between religion and politics?

Share your thoughts about faith and the state of religion in the world. Plus, send us your photos and video to show others how you worship."
Please share your thoughts :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Why People Believe Weird Things - Michael Shermer at TED

"Skeptic Magazine founder Michael Shermer takes us on a hilarious romp through the strange claims we humans put forth as truth - from alien encounters to Virgin Mary sightings on pizza pies, to hidden messages revealed while playing "Stairway to Heaven" backwards - and explains the evolutionary and cognitive basis for these lapses in reason. Don't miss the one-minute challenge testing your own observational skills..."

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Richard Dawkins | The Enemies Of Reason

Part1: Slaves to Superstition

Part 2: The Irrational Health Service

Equinox: The Secrets of the Psychics

Play all videos (8)
Aired August 24, 1997 on Channel 4
Documentary looking skeptically at various paranormal claims and the history of the clash between science and the supernatural. Is there any scientific evidence for psychic abilities or are these various 'gifted' people making use of trickery and self-delusion?
Interviewees include James Randi, Professor Richard Dawkins, Dr Susan Blackmore and Dr Richard Wiseman.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Enemies of Reason - Superstition

A clip from the new documentary by Richard Dawkins.

To watch the whole documentary click here

"Prof Richard Dawkins tackles the epidemic of irrational, superstitious thinking which is blotting the light of logic and evidence. After garnering tips on psychics' entirely earthly trade secrets from the illusionist Derren Brown, Dawkins attends a seance and confronts the medium. Time and again, the interviewees appeal to personal revelation or second-hand anecdote to justify their belief.

There are two ways of looking at the world – through faith and superstition or through the rigours of logic, observation and evidence – in other words, through reason. Reason and a respect for evidence are precious commodities, the source of human progress and our safeguard against fundamentalists and those who profit from obscuring the truth.

Yet, today, society appears to be retreating from reason.

Apparently harmless but utterly irrational belief systems from astrology to New Age mysticism, clairvoyance to alternative health remedies are booming.

Richard Dawkins confronts what he sees as an epidemic of irrational, superstitious thinking..."

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Derren Brown "instant conversion" part 2

Derren Brown "instant conversion" part 1

God Bless Atheism

Richard Dawkins - "What if you're wrong?"

Dance Monkeys Dance

Christopher Hitchens Interview on FORA TV

Michael Behe on The Colbert Report

Richard Dawkins on CBC News

Christopher Hitchens and Ibrahim Cooper on CNN - Part 2

Christopher Hitchens and Ibrahim Cooper on CNN - Part 1

Christopher Hitchens on CNN with Lou Dobbs

Christopher Hitchens on Hannity & Colmes about Rev. Falwell's Death

Richard Dawkins on CNN with Paula Zahn