Thursday, December 2, 2010

Atheist Football Player

by College Humor


  1. pff that lightnings shoulda hit some random dude :P

  2. hehe was about to send a tip to atheistmedia about this one but I see it's already here :)

  3. What makes me angry is when people thank God for what's a product of human ingenuity and work. A serious injustice is being done when credit is taken away from those who actually did something and, instead, used to glorify their god.  Lately, when I see this in comments, I've started replying with something like "To do justice, I thank ...." I see this as a way of asserting that the good things in life come from the human mind.

  4. R£ligion $tink$ of mon€¥December 3, 2010 at 10:33 AM

    Brilliant! Almost as good as Kathy Griffin´s "Jesus can suck it" Emmy acceptance speech.

  5. First, it's an old joke these people didn't create. That it's stupid to thank 'God' for your stupid team winning some game or having made some close catch or whatever.

    Second, these people didn't perform the sketch that well. The girl's expression was goofy, and the guy's timing was off.

    Third, the joke is that actual real things are the reason 'they won', but then they stuck in that he wears a necklace for 'luck'. That stupidly messes up the joke.

    This wasn't clever, original, performed very well and most importantly... wasn't the least bit funny. But I see other people here are much more easily amused. But hey 'Two and a Half Men' has been running for like 12 years or however long, so I guess there's no accounting for taste.

  6. It's stupid when it happens, but a 'serious injustice' is a TAD BIT inflated. Ya' know like when babies are dying of AIDS and hunger, and women, girls are being raped all over the world. Stuff like that is maybe more what you ought to consider 'serious injustice'. It's literally not being rational to think otherwise. And you want to be rational don't you?

  7. Been an atheist for over a half-century and have used this "injustice" a thousand times. On the other hand, called many people sockcuckers and didn't mean that, either.

  8. Yeah it's a serious injustice because credit is not being given where it is due. How un just it was depends one what the thing was that they deserve credit for. If it was a paper airplane then NO, but if it was winning the Nobel Prize for something it's unjust if the credit isn't given to the person who did it. It is tragic when someone thinks all of their accomplishments, and hard work had nothing to do with them and attribute it all to a non-existent being. They don't know how amazing they really are. I know people that say they are worthless without God, that's just sad.

  9. we're amazing first because God made us amazing. 

  10. the reason it's funny is because it's not thrown at you for 12 years or however long.

  11. ah we shall pray for your salvation :)
