Saturday, October 2, 2010

Druids Given Religious Status in the UK

October 2, 2010 on ITN News
Next year's summer solstice at Stonehenge will be the first at which Druidry has been officially recognised as a religion.


  1. This just makes me want to watch "This is Spinal Tap"! 

  2. i dont think they are serious. they are doing the same thing as FSM

  3. Though it is ludicrous that religion receives these privileges and tax breaks, I actually see this as a good thing as it helps expose even further how ridiculous the whole religion thing is. They should have seats in the House of Lords next!

    If I were the druids, I'd make the most of it, this will be coming to an end soon.

  4. Yeah I highly doubt many of these people are serious about this stuff. Honestly that shit looks like fun. I'd join in. 

  5. Wahay, Pastafarians and Jedi worshippers next! Let's show how ridiculous the whole special privilege status is!

  6. Your name (required)October 3, 2010 at 3:43 AM

    This is hilarious. Hats off our cloaked friends for pulling this off. After all, it's just a man-made set of ideas and hobby just like all the other ones. But where will it all end? On what basis can a government deny similar rights to Pastafarians or Pirates whilst allowing the sheer crap espoused by islam, mormons, etc.? Perhaps it's because FSM and similar religions have humour, honesty and irony at their core.

  7. Your name (required)October 3, 2010 at 3:43 AM

    <span>This is hilarious. Hats off to our cloaked friends for pulling this off. After all, it's just a man-made set of ideas and hobby just like all the other ones. But where will it all end? On what basis can a government deny similar rights to Pastafarians or Pirates whilst allowing the sheer crap espoused by islam, mormons, etc.? Perhaps it's because FSM and similar religions have humour, honesty and irony at their core.</span>

  8. Less taxes for them. More for everybody else. Weeeee! Oh wait...

  9. Looks pretty fun. Fire and dress up party. I'd join in. They'd probably even let me keep my foreskin

  10. R€LIGION Stinks of moneyOctober 3, 2010 at 10:16 AM

    Busted! This is no religion, for instance there´s no genital mutilation!

    I´d love to hear the reaction from other religious groups.

  11. They seem harmless enough, which is more than can be said of their fellow religions. I doubt that tax exemption will be much of an issue, not sure what they'd claim it on. Is there VAT on misseltoe?

    It might get a few people to ask themselves what  a religion actually is. After all, even neo-pagans have been around longer than the mormons and most baptists.
