Thursday, August 19, 2010

Homosexuality in Animals

Wikipedia: List of animals displaying homosexual behavior


  1. I swear the commentator sounds like hes getting off on this lol!

  2. That NG image was super imposed on a spoof video right?!!  Please tell me that is the case...

  3. Did he really say, "mastered the finer points of the back door"?

  4. Hahahaha, great comments, all those came to mind while watching the video.

  5. But is what we are hearing really homosexual, in that the animals are not attracted to the opposite sex?

  6. This is homosexual behavior, which is one of the definitions of homosexuality. So, yes, in that sense.

    But homosexuality also means, in humans, a consistent pattern of physical, sexual, emotional, and/or romantic attraction exclusively or predominantly towards members of the same sex.

    Humans do express some of this emotional attraction through non-sexual behaviors, and some non-sexual behaviors in animals appears to be similarly affectionate in nature. So, maybe affectionate behavior in animals is also driven by emotional attraction.

    However, I think this is a poor way to decide what's going on in the brains of animals because it depends so much on interpretation of behavior, and the only way we interpret it is by analogy to human behavior. We need to know more about how our brains and their brains work before we can get start conjecturing about how they experience the world.

  7. <p>"This neck-rubbing is overt homosexual behaviour"...that's BS - they were only scratching their necks for f&*ks sake!!

  8. I think the implication would be the neck rubbing is sexual, like a courtship or mating ritual.

  9. Good thing those giraffes don't live in the bible veldt.

  10.    This is probably more like what Richard Dawkins calls a vacuum activity, and not a sign of actual homosexual behavior.
