Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Gay Marriage & The Bible

(via The Young Turks)


  1. My issue is that The Young Turks is such blatantly heavy handed propaganda that even when I agree with them I cringe.  Bill O'Reilly often has a simmilar effect.

  2. I think Penn Jillette made a similar point. Reading the bible is a powerful tool for making atheists. 

  3. He's on a national news network now, you don't have to worry about bias.

  4. Siding with the facts doesn't make you biased.

  5. propaganda? you must be kidding me... Cenk is the best. I find myself agreeing with him on almost every point.

  6. Finally someone bringing some sense into this debate! GO CENK!

    oh yeh  I also saw him be very open about his atheism/agnosticism  on msnbc. cool guy

  7. ^ Shouldn't that fact in and of itself cause you to be more skeptical of a person's claims?

  8. I like to think im pretty skeptical, like for example other my other favorite talkshow hosts like: bill maher, i find myself agreeing with most of what he says, but disagreeing on other issues like his opinions on Israel. I'm have never idolized/worshipped anyone.

    I just haven't found any real issue to disagree on with Cenk on the Young Turks. ( not yet atleast )

    Anyways, thats my opinion, i just enjoy his show.

  9. I wish Atheist Media Blog gave some credit to those that submit the relevant videos. Call me an attention whore if you please but I submitted this video for their website and yet they get all the glory? Emm, it seems a bit unfair don't you think? Eh, I understand that its their site and my suggestions are voluntary but I would think that we have better ethics than that. Maybe I have too much expectations? All I'm asking for is a small shout out. Is it too much?

  10. Cenk is a douche bag although i do agree with him- still hardcore leftist propaganda makes me vomit at times

  11. it's reassuring that reality has a liberal and atheistic bias.

  12. Landover Baptist website has a great parody on what constitutes a bible based marriage.

  13. R€LIGION Stinks of moneyAugust 5, 2010 at 12:48 PM

    I´ve been a long fan of The Young Turks and their vlogs.

    Thank you for sticking your kneck out for LGBT community Cenk, you´re a star.

  14. "All I'm asking for is a small shout out. Is it too much?"

     Yes it is asking to much. You had nothing to do with the production of the video. Get over it.

  15. I didn't ask for credit for production. I asked for credit for the reference. It would make sense for Atheist Media Blog to do something like this in order to motivate consistent and good quality submissions.

    Leaving an inane comment like "get over it" just reveals your character.

  16. We always give credit as you can see from other posts. But unfortunately in your case I posted the video before reading your email.. Thanks for understanding.

  17. They use the bible to try and cover up their bigotry.    "Its not our fault, its in the bible!"   They are bigots that don't want to be pushed out of their comfort zone.  Most of them would still prefer to go back to when interracial marriage was against the law, too. 

  18. Thanks for the clarification David. :)
