Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bigfoot Sighting!

June 15, 2010 on NewsChannel36
Tim Peeler of Cleveland County, North Carolina called police after encountering Bigfoot outside his mountain home. Apparently, this particular Bigfoot was 10-feet-tall, had "beautiful (blonde) hair," and six fingers on each hand. Peeler told the Charlotte Observer that he "rough-talked him" and scared him off.
(via Cynical-C Blog)


  1. ManCreatedGodCreatedHellJune 17, 2010 at 10:20 PM

    I think the civilian was the suspicious person in the report not the humanoid.

  2. Coming up next --part 2 of the "Where are they Now?" special featuring Fabio Lanzoni.

  3. where even counting is a problem.. .

  4. Why is it that it's only people like this from NC that make the news?!  You'd think we are all a bunch of backwoods hillbillies!  Ugh.  Oh well.

  5. michelleleigh, it's because most of us are.

  6. What the hell is this "Bigfoot Media Blog"?! This is so stupid, what do crypozoological researchers or Sasquach beings have to do with ATHEISM???!! I'm so sick of this retarded crap on here! If you want to post videos about news for cryptids or your stupid special rights for Yetis go do it on another blog about that!!!  /s ;)

  7. Well done Blake...

  8. lasers for eyes jacksonJune 19, 2010 at 12:35 PM

    LOL beat me to it! I guess fox didn't come up with enough filler material this week.

  9. 3 days without new links posted on AtheistMedia. Help, I think I'm getting the shakes!

  10. The hidden (not to be confused with "missing") link is between atheism & evidence-based thinking.  Though cryptozoology has nothing to do with atheism per se, it does address the opposite of the atheist/skeptical worldview as the majority of videos on this site do.

  11. P.S.- Blame my wee-hour haze, but even as a post-victim of Poe's law, I think the underlying question, "what does cryptozoology have to do with theism/atheism" was worth a (serious) answer.

    I'll stand by my former statements.  ;)
