Sunday, May 9, 2010

"I'm No Kin To The Monkey"

(tip: LGF)


  1. The end is just sad.

  2. trlala lalala! Hehe, catchy=D In fact, the most catchy retardation I have ever seen=D 

  3. Isn't the definition of insane the repeated act of a specific action anticipating a different result each time? The man couldn't even get the chorus right every single time it came around, even though the words were written on the screen. Silly silly evangelicals.

  4. If you feel so inclined, please click on the video a second time, to be taken to the comments on youtube.  Those are pretty interesting.  Even Parson Bob is there commenting back.  As he's called a "nut job" he responds:

    <span> </span>"<span>We might be nuts, but we're screwed to the right bolt! "</span>

    Religious leaders are masters of 'sayings' that help keep their flock at bay (and confused).  I'm sure when he says that one in his congregation he gets the sort of applause that makes hands bleed.

    And it doesn't even matter if he's right or wrong.

  5. "I don't know much about his ancestors"

    Well no shit. You obviously know nothing about his or your own ancestry because they are nearly identical in the scheme of things to date on this planet.

  6. This is what hell is like.

  7. Oh man, I SO need a metal version of this.

  8. I think death metal would work nicely; preferably Cannibal Corpse or, if that's too harsh, perhaps Slayer.

  9. Why not Entombed, they have allready made Amazing grace, so they have the experience=)

  10. It's like reliving my childhood. Please make it stop.

  11. Good stuff Good stuff. Some nice ryhmes but not as good as
    <span>Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker,
    Fuck the motherfucker hes a fucking motherfucker.
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the fucking fucker,
    Fuck the motherfucker hes a total fucking fucker
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucker,
    Fuck the mother fucker, fuck him, fuck the motherfucker.
    Fuck the motherfucker, fuck the motherfucking pope.

  12. fuckin retardet ...

  13. you can barely hear her but one of the women is going all opera singer ... LMFGAO

  14. LOL plus you have to dress like that too  =-O

  15. it's really depressing to think that some people are egotistical enough to believe that their god created them in his/her image. and that's going along with the idea that there's a god in the first place.
