Friday, May 7, 2010

FOX News on Comedy Central: Religious Double Standards?

May 7, 2010 on FOX News
Comedy Central is working on Jesus series, but Mohammed is off limits?


  1. What the hell is Faux News trying to get at with this crap? I don't think even extremist Christians are going to start sending death threats to media companies who portray Jesus in an unfavorable light, much less the average Christian. And of course Faux News, being COMPLETELY FAIR AND BALANCED, wants to hear nothing of Christian extremists who blow up abortion clinics! LOL!

  2. and fox makes the simpsons which is always insulting christianity

  3. "AAAARGH, THEY SHOULD FEAR US TOO!"  why would comedy central be afraid to mock any ridiculous idea or belief?  why do religious ideas and beliefs get special priviligies to expect fear from their proletariat? 

  4. King Asa for PresidentMay 7, 2010 at 8:38 PM

    I find this rather amusing, it's the exact point Parker and Stone made with the episode "Cartoon Wars" where they showed Jesus defecating on George Bush.  That episode was in 2006 and they're just now getting around to talking about this?  For the record, that new show sounds terrible.

  5. So Comedy Central did Momo, now it is JC's turn. Whats the big deal? Seems fair to me.

  6. Megyn Kelly tries so hard to manufacture controversy. I love how she kept refering to the 80% of America that will be mocked by this new Jesus show. What she fails to mention, and what should be obvious, is 1) no one will be forced to watch this new show and if someone does choose to watch and happens to be offended, they can turn the channell, 2) guess what, if 80% of America is really Christian, then approximately 80% of the audience for this new Jesus show will be Christian--if people watch it, it will succeed; if people don't watch it, it will not stay on the air (capitalism at its finest).

    Her whole premise of "if you won't mock Islam than you shouldn't mock Christianity" is childish, tedious, and completly unimaginative. But at lest Megyn is rude and abrasive, key features for Fox News success.

  7. It's just business. By the way, IMHO "The Simpsons" is the best show ever.

  8. I'm as secular as anyone here: I completely support anybody's expression of free speech and agree that this particular controversy is manufactured. However, I am also sympathetic towards the decency argument that states that more constructive means of criticism should be employed. Would love to hear feedback.

  9. Not to mention Hutaree and the anti "new world order" fringe that's scared of the UN taking over and stockpiles weapons...

    This is totally ridiculous, it's a free speech issue. If you don't like it, don't watch it. If you have to defend someone or something, it's already too late. Look at Stephen Baldwin. 

  10. Lots of "fatwah envy" on display here.

  11. Do you think constructive criticism is even possible, when the idea criticised is considered beyond criticism?

  12. LOL! Fox was trying to unite the religious people against the non-religious people, and they failed.

    As my good friend wahjava used to say: If there was a God, there wouldn't be religion.

  13. You missed the most important hole in her claim:  Mocking a belief is nothing like mocking the believer.  Failing to make that distinction when it comes to religion is exactly why the normal ebb and flow of debate is disallowed for religion.  All arguments (or satire) that place the belief in a bad light get twisted up in people's minds into being ad-hominem attacks when they're not.  (And until people finally get it through their thick heads that this difference exists, I will not support hate-speech laws.  Hate-speech laws are very bad for skeptics because of this failure to make such a distincion that turns all religious critique into "hate speech" in people's minds.)

  14. Well, I wish Comedy Central would have the back bone to mock muslims. Fox News is right (damn, I can't believe I just said that) THERE IS a double standard. I think the point they are trying to make here is that islam should be made fun just as much as christianity but everyone seems to afraid to pick on Islam as much as they do with other religions. I wanna turn my tv on sundays and watch "The Adventures of Prophet Mohammed and His Pet PIG".

  15. Comedy shows routinely mock politicians, hollywood celebrities, sports figures, etc for their statements, policies, or beliefs.  But when religions routinely make outrageous claims, defying all laws of physics and logic, about their invisible friend in the sky, we're supposed to sit quietly and respect that?

  16. Indeed. Mostly subpar and downhill after season 8 IMHO.

  17. Hmmm. Unfortunately I think Fox news are erring more on the side of "Do not insult ANY religion, especially ours," rather than supporting artists freedom of expression. They are hardly the greatest defenders of free-speech.

  18. Man when Fox can call you on being hypocritical it's time to re-evaluate.  Comedy Central should grow soem balls.  Their mocking of Christianity when they don't have the guts to mock Islam means they jsut showed their left-wing bias.  Not that anyone who's seen the Daily Show or Colbert Repore needed to be told that.


    A 3.5e character sheet of Mohammed with an image.
