Saturday, April 24, 2010

Blind Faith Over Medicine

April 23, 2010 on CNN


  1. That's all caused by following false religion, follow Islam and try camel urine, it is the real shit.... as Muhamad once said camel urine and extra honey with it or as a side drug heals from lots of friggin diseases.

  2. allah akbhar! lool

  3. That's not hard to comprehend at all if you understand how religion takes over the mind like an advanced virus

  4. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥April 24, 2010 at 3:57 PM

    Arrest that man, close that chruch and have their children removed from their parents a.s.a.p.

    Once again where are the social services? If you are an adult and refuse medical treatment that is your choice. But you cannot let your "faith" come before your child´s rights.

    The children are always the biggest victims when it comes to religion.

  5. Perhaps the most fundamental harm that religion does to people is, to one degree or another, the curtailment of thought and respect for reality -- even the reality right in front of them, as we see in this case. Once a person accepts that a holy book is a gaurentor of truth, then there is no need for further thinking about its claims, and, in fact, thinking becomes dangerous to faith. But, there's no gaurentor of truth and "scripture says..." is a psychopathology that's harmful to the person engaged in it. Religion is not harmless to the believer -- mindlessness never is.  The pious seem to have no clue about the brazein irrationality of putting holy books and faith above reality and reason or about the terrible consequences even for themselves.

  6. I guess the saying is true, "When God gives you lemons, you find a new God."

  7. And this, my friends, is why religion is dangerous.
