Sunday, March 28, 2010

Christopher Hitchens and Bill Donohue on FOX News

March 28, 2010


  1.  basically if you wear a robe you are allowed to rape, torture, abuse and molest kids.

  2. At the very end Donohue blames the Wisconsin abuse on "the liberal" because "they" advocated psychotherapy for the pedophile priest.  Not sure if that's true.  Regardless, if the then Pope and all his minions had a direct line with their god, then why didn't he tell them how to deal with the priest?

    Instead, Donohue blames adolescent victims for not reporting their rape.  In the last few years thousands of adult victims raped when adolescent have come forth.  Gee, could there be a reason why they waited so long?  Donohue obviously never listened victims who explained why they waited.

  3. Donohue has always been a tool, but this performance was particularly shameful. Blame the victims, blame the police, blame the times, blame the liberals ... blame everyone EXCEPT those responsible. Pathetic.

  4. how come nobody asked that <span>donohue dude how come it took since the 1970's until 1996 for the vatican to hear about a police investigation against one of their own? were they using the pony express? </span>

  5. a fair and balanced debate, on one side why the pedaphile ring is bad, on the other why its unfair to pick on the pediphile ring, sounds like a resonable, worthwhile debate

  6. Love the new theme, looks great! 

  7. LOL!! Is what I was doing when I saw the fox insignia and she said fair and balanced, what a sick joke. Faux makes me wanna throw up, avid watchers of faux must be near brain dead.

  8. Yea! Damn the democrats and their liberal ways!

  9. Watching Donohue was horrific.  I wonder why fox get him on as an expert becuase he is just blaintly lying about the subject matter.   Perhaps the interviewer could have pulled him up on his facts if she had half a brain.

  10. Being Catholics they wouldn't have dared used condoms...
