Saturday, March 13, 2010

ABC Nightline: Preaching Hate in Uganda

March 10, 2010 on ABC Nightline


  1. This video makes me despair.

  2. jesusfetusfajitafishsticksMarch 13, 2010 at 9:44 AM

    I had to turn it off.  It kills me to see religo-nuts preying on uneducated people and spreading hate all over the WORLD.  :/


  3. If only christians cared what counts as christianity and have missionaries preach modern values, even as christianity, instead of ancient biggotry... Maybe all the unavoidable death in Afriaca would actually lead to something.

  4. Send them Bruno :D

  5. R€LIGION $TINKS OF MONE¥March 13, 2010 at 11:53 AM

    Despair Martin? It should make you f'cking angry.

    I hope that all the religious apologist´s open their homes for the
    GLBT Ugandan asylum seekers.  

  6. Most feelings aren't mutually exclusive. That being said, what good would anger do? I don't live in Uganda or the United States, and nothing this white male europeans says or does will have the slightest impact on that community.

    Hence my despair.

  7. Porn slides in church, now that's something!

  8. While I am disgusted and angered by this, I nonetheless see Scott Lively literally confirming Christopher Hitchens' thesis that religion poisons everything. Seriously, right at the end of this segment, he said "there are better Christians in Uganda" than in the United States because of their violence towards homosexuality. It's interesting that Lively's interpretation of what true Christianity is seems rather reflective of the time of the Inquisitions, when Christianity truly ruled the western world.

  9. Strangely, it didn't make me despair and it didn't make me angry. I did laugh alot throughout the first half (I'm gay, and the idea that simply a picture of a dude giving someone a blowjob can throw hundreds of people into apoplectic convulsions of melodramatic despair is indescribably hilarious to me), but that's all.

    This is a comic tragedy, and save for maybe some kind of underground railroad that gets gay people the fuck out of there, there's nothing to be done for these people. They are hopelessly beyond the reach of any rational discourse, lost forever in an endless sea of self-affirming delusion. Their deep ignorance, crushing poverty, profound inferiority complex with respect to the west, and TOTAL religious derangement, have converged into a ghoulish masquerade, where the intoxicating liquor of superstition has allowed the frustration and stupidity of an entire nation to freely sublimate itself into homicidal witch hunts and comically desperate moral panics. You may either laugh or cry and I've already done too much of the latter.

  10. So much about this segment pissed me off, but did this nightline reporter really stand there and not even challenge this psycho when he suggested that all homosexuals eat each others' feces?

  11. Heterosexuals do not eat poop? 

    Clearly this guy has never been to 

  12. Poop is funny word :D

    Anyway, I can't blame all those people lining the streets: they are a product of their education. I can't claim to be any better because if I had grown up there, no doubt I'd be one of them. (Well, I'd actually be one of the persecuted gays, but that's by the by.)

    I feel helpless that I can do nothing about this. Such a rotten situation. 

  13. If something about the human body disgusts you, the fault lies with the manufacturer. - Lenny Bruce

  14. Its like McCarthyism all over again, some have learned nothing from history...poor people

  15. "endless sea of self-affirming delusion".     so true and so tragic. 

  16. The Nazi party were a GAY movement? Is he f***ing DRUNK?

    The Nazis outlawed homosexuality and executed many gay men and women.

    So the Christians are in fact supporting a platform that was started by the NAZIS!!!


  17. <span>
    <p>Message for Scott Lively:
    </p><p>For God's sake, stop taking offence at what others do in the privacy of their own homes. There is no "gay movement", and homosexuals (which, incidentally, does not include me) are not in any way trying to undermine heterosexual society, family values, or anything else.
    </p><p>Stop deluding yourself that the private lives of others affect you personally and leave others, whose actions do not hurt you in any way, in peace.


  18. These people are completely brainwashed.  If it weren't for slavery you wouldn't see any black christians.  It's disgusting!

  19. wow. this is <span>satire right?</span>

  20. Also check out this really horifying piece:

    these insane religious nuts would rather harm other humans than examine their own shallow fairy-tale bullshit beliefs that are ruining other's lives.
    Fuck Religion. The sooner it dies, the happier humanity will be.

  21. your bible again,  you will see that ethopians were converts before white people thank you very much luke 
