Monday, February 1, 2010

Hitler Reacts to Christian Group Sending Solar Powered Bibles to Haiti

From ABC News:
As international aid agencies rush food, water and medicine to Haiti's earthquake victims, a United States group is sending Bibles.

But these aren't just any Bibles; they're solar-powered audible Bibles that can broadcast the holy scriptures in Haitian Creole to 300 people at a time.

The Faith Comes By Hearing organisation says its Bible, called the Proclaimer, delivers "digital quality" and is designed for "poor and illiterate people".
Read more
(Thanks Stephan)


  1. Why is this same clip being used over and over again with a different text still worthy of being posted on the site?

  2. These Hitler videos ceased being funny a long, long time ago.

  3. @Jason, I don't know, I was laughing pretty hard at this one.

  4. Religion creating market demand for efficient portable solar devices?  One of the best things they've ever done.  I wonder if you can mod them to play Rush music?

  5. Strange.  Not sure what this video is trying to say exactly.  I guess I'm with Hitler on this one.

  6. Hehehe, theese never get old.

  7. I can't even imagine what a solar powered bible that preaches to 300 people at a time looks like. It sounds pretty awesome as bibles go. Shame they can't print hustler in this format

  8. Very funny. Wish the author would have taken the time to correct the spelling errors though.

  9. I Have "An Open Challenge to Bible Critics" if anyone would care to try it:

  10. <p><span> </span>
    </p><p><span>GREETINGS AND FAITHFUL SAYINGS:</span>
    </p><p><span>Greetings to one and all: In that most precious name. That name which is above every name, the name: "Jesus" ____There's tremendous power in that name. I'd suppose we'll never fully realize all that can truly be accomplished, by us simply calling out that name in true faith.____There's an old, old, gospel song that goes like this: Faith in the Father, faith in the Son, faith in the Holy Spirit, great victories are won. Demons will tremble and sinners will awake, faith in Jehovah will anything shake.____For you who have never come into this realization, if you're reading this, just give him a welcome into your heart and life. You will both feel and see an awesome difference. You will have also purchased the ticket to heaven (by accepting, therefore making him welcome to come into your life. You will also sup from His cup that contains living water. (As did the woman at the well of Bethesda.) John 4:10____Much love, ____Your brother in Christ Jesus, who is both our Lord, and "" ... </span>
    </p><p><span> </span>
    </p><p><span> </span>
    </p><p><span> </span></p>

  11. So William, if I accept Jesus Christ as my saviour I can get into heaven? No matter what I do? The possibilities are endless! I can get away with murder...O wait the Christians already did/do that...Never mind I'll just chill with the Devil seems like he'd be a *hell* of a lot more interesting anyways :P

  12. First one of these I have seen and I think it's very funny .. and thats an understatement!
    As for the religious ppl advertising here why don't you guys just piss off. Clearly this is not the right site to push your garbage.
