Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Actor Mark Ruffalo on Faking His "Come to Jesus" Moment with Rev. Jimmy Swaggart

(via Friendly Atheist)


  1. It's good that the host was willing to laugh out loud at the ridiculousness of this story.  It's the morally proper thing to do.  (As opposed to generating a false sense of respect for religion and pretending that it needs to be handled with kid gloves - a practice that is in essence a form of lying if in reality you find this type of religion to be preposterous.)

  2. Wasn't  :-D  raised a tongue talking Pentecostal? What is he now? And yes it is good that he can piss himself laughing at the absurdity of the story...

  3. The exact same thing happened to me only I was older and Swaggert wasn't there. I was in my early 20's and trying to find the truth about life. I joined my sisters evangelical church and went to a service where they anointed people with oil, spoke in tongues and all that nonsense. They decided I should experience the "laying on of hands" and I would be filled with the holy spirit blah blah blah...So they made a circle around me, put there hands all over me, and started praying to beat the band. Well, folks it wasn't happening and it was getting pretty creepy with all those believers putting their hands on me (none in the good places mind you) So I decided I had to fake it to get the hell out of this. I was expected to start speaking in tongues so I just started babbling gibberish and everybody got all excited and praised the lord and they finally let me go. I think it was about that time that I decided Christianity wasn't for me. It still took a few years to decide that all religion is nonsense but that was an important step and in the end a valuable experience. Just not in the way the holy rollers had hoped and...well...prayed!

  4. Hehehe, great vid!

  5. I wonder how it breaks down between people who are conciously faking and people who are subconciously faking.
