Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Russia Plans to Ban "Damaging Cults"

January 26, 2010 on Russia Today


  1. Religious freedom? Highly overrated. We need more stifling of ridiculous concepts! Kudos for the Russkies to lead by example!

  2. Giving atheists a bad name since 1917.

  3. Please, people... I am an atheist, but above and far beyond that, I am a moralist, a believer in ethics, and the huge leap we have done since the enlighntment. I am humanist, and a scientist. I believe in peoples right to speak their mind, and that truth and betterment for mankind will follow in the wake of this human right.

    Lets not get carried away with getting our morals from memetics. Memetics is a way to analyze reality, but not to say how it is supposed to be. I believe in Voltaire, some of Spinoza and the liberty I so cherish. Please, all rational non-believers of faith. Lets believe in something more valuable, freedom of speach, which should and must include freedom from intelligent beliefs. If we accept or endorse the acts of any government who willingly try to silence people to further its own power over them, then we are no better the the many ignorant faith based political movements that I so hope we humans will grow out of.

  4. I can't believe one person actually wrote in support of this. What a disgusting law.
