Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brit Hume Tells O'Reilly That He Wasn't Proselytizing - Then Goes On To Proselytize Again

January 4, 2010 on The O'Reilly Factor


  1. Did anyone catch the end, where they were talking about conversion and biblical forgiveness,they implied that Bill Clinton's apology was not sincere, but the other guys conversion was real because they can see it, I will make a guess that the other guy is a Rep.

  2. It's so awesome that this is put out there by this group, but it's become a powerful show of God's love and grace.  Thank you guys so much for sharing this, without you I would not have seen this and would not have been shown how we need to extend God's grace to Mr. Woods.  I know you don't believe but yes even this website is being used by God to further His kingdom.  Good job.

  3. What? What, really? Haw haw.

  4. Yeah, I think Brit Hume is right here, for all the wrong reasons. If Tiger Woods announced that he had turned to christianity, I wouldn't be surprised if it "saved" his career.

    Which is retarted.

  5. And you should know that sentiments like yours and Brit Hume are the reason why people are turning away from religion en masse.  Your proseltyzing and judgmental attitude towards how they lead their lives has caused the non religious to become among the fastest growing demographic groups in the US.  Keep it up.  Don't let your self confirming belief due to your participation in religious activities skew reality for you.  While a techinical majority of the population claims a belief in God even many of those aren't strong in their belief or practice.  They are nonreligious even as believers and many of them claim some new age loose belief in a god and see Christianity and its practice as outdated  Drive around to multiple churches of multiple denominations on a Sunday and you will see empty lots.  Cause and effect works in non mysterious but explicit ways.

  6. And you should know that sentiments like yours and Brit Hume are the reason why people are turning away from religion en masse.  Your proseltyzing and judgmental attitude towards how they lead their lives has caused the non religious to become among the fastest growing demographic groups in the US.  Keep it up.  Don't let your self confirming belief due to your participation in religious activities skew reality for you.  While a techinical majority of the population claims a belief in God even many of those aren't strong in their belief or practice.  They are nonreligious even as believers and many of them claim some new age loose belief in a god and see Christianity and its practice as outdated  Drive around to multiple churches of multiple denominations on a Sunday and you will see empty lots.  Cause and effect works in non mysterious but explicit ways.

  7. "Turns to Jesus for forgiveness he'll be showing that he has no strength of character."


    If you haven't read the Words of Jesus, you have no idea the "strength of character" it would take for tiger to pray to the Creator of us all and admit to how ugly his actions are and ask for forgiveness. Tiger has made some huge mistakes publically, but how many people do you know that have done wrong... family, friends, friends of friends, You... ? There's nothing better that Tiger can do than to acknowlege Jesus, believe, and receive his gift of forgiveness and eternal life with him.

    There's a reason why Jesus is the most controversal name in the world.

    God loves you. I'm praying for you Gordon,

  8. <p>@ Walt : Your assumption that the words of Jesus have not been read are based on nothing.
    <p>Praying to your Imaginary Friend and asking forgiveness does not help the real people who've actually been hurt as Gordon (and others) rightly pointed out, something you completely seem to ignore, but I guess love really does make blind.
    <p>Actually it's pretty rude to deflect when seeking forgiveness, specially since your Imaginary Friend likely will forgive (He forgives a lot worse stuff on a daily basis anyway), meanwhile the 'forgiven' aSs can seek for the next sin to be 'forgiven' while the real hurt people are still suffering and might not have forgiven that aSs at all. Pretending all is fine when it's really not, is just dishonest and causes even more suffering. So no, your (and Brit Hume's) suggestion is far from the best thing to do, instead it's a childish, rude, slimy and cowardly thing to do.
    <p>btw. while you pray for Gordon don't forget to aim your (His) super powers to them as well..

  9. That's right. Go tell some old guy your problems and everything will be ok!!! Or, just take a few Prozac and say your sorry.

  10. I've read the "word of Jesus". I've been to church. I still think you all are a bunch of idiots. I don't get on Christian sites and say, "I can only hope you relize the truth and spend your time and money on things that truely matter." Because that crap doesn't work. We put out the facts and evedence and let you make your own dicision. The facts and evidence I've been presented with in Christianity has convinced me of nothing. Don't judge me because you reasoning has no convincing arguement. Show me proof and I will listen. Give me a bunch of stories and I will be simply amused.
