Monday, January 28, 2008

Hitchens knocks intelligent design

From The Stanford Daily:
During an animated debate yesterday in a packed Dinkelspiel Auditorium, atheist Christopher Hitchens and intelligent design advocate Jay Richards clashed over the evidence for God’s existence.
Hitchens at the debate:
“I can’t imagine it’ll take me 14 minutes to demolish intelligent design, as I refuse to call it,” began Hitchens, the author of the 2007 bestseller “God is Not Great.”
He cited the existence of evil as evidence against a benevolent designer.

“If everything was designed,” Hitchens asked, “what are we to make of the designer who has subjected so many generations to barbarism, misery, ignorance, slavery and early death?”

He added that any person who looked to nature as evidence for design must contend with the fact that 98 percent of all species that have ever existed are extinct.

“Whose design?” asked Hitchens, to applause from many audience members, including a dozen wearing “Atheists of Silicon Valley” T-shirts. “What kind of design? What kind of caprice, what kind of incompetence, what kind of cruelty?’ Read more

Note: Video is still not available online

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