Friday, December 21, 2007

Ron Paul doesn't believe in evolution


  1. Be careful not to offend the Ron Paul supporters on the Interwebs they seem to be very sensitive about it:

  2. Ron Paul is a nutcase, but it's hard to tell whether he's worse than Kucinich, with the UFOs and everything...

  3. What's next, the one claiming Ron is a reptilian? Just a little maturity and objective thought maybe? I expected a little more here.

    Do you think Ron is going to try and impose his Christianity on you or your children, knowing what his principles are? Any other question beyond that probably doesn't apply here.

    If you wanna call him crazy fine, I'm not here to shill. I would simply like to point out that Atheist is not synonymous with leftist and that maybe you should consider what HIS issues are rather than what the issues of a tiny group of his supporters might be. Guilt by association is a pretty weak tactic to go with if you don't support the guy. There are more intellectual ways to do so.

  4. Well, Puck, even Dr. Paul has said of the Alex Jones/Loose Change crowd: "they found me I didn't find them." And I personally like Dr. Paul even if I think he is just-wrong about evolutionary biology. At the same time I cannot help but notice that the online Ron Paul supporters are begginning to mainstream some peculiar and often dangerous as well as just wrong ideas such as antivaccination propaganda, tax-protestation and HIV-discentism. I think these folks make up a good deal more than a "group of his supporters" at least his online supporters. That and they're pretty damn annoying at times. Not a one of these guys is a doctor or a lawyer but they'll tell you why you shouldn't get your kids vaccinated or that there is no law requiring you to pay your taxes, etc ...
